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Pendy 30-01-18 04:08 PM

Hi everyone :)

Some of you will remember me and some won't, im British and 29 now and i was a SOG member in the past.
I had some really good times with you lot and not just on SWAT but on Arma too.
Nice people and a great community, i'm happy that SOG is back.

I haven't played SWAT4 for quite some time now but i do have it installed, i think the last time i properly played it was with ITS clan (also nice people) i have been playing a bit of Ground branch with my friend but i mostly play Rainbow six 3 with him on Tunngle.

I recently got back from Japan, i stayed there for 1 month with my fiancée which was awesome, we are going to get married there and hopefully live there in the near future so it could effect my gaming and being online at some point.

Some of you may not know this about me but i have anxiety and depression and have had it for many years now (about 13 years) but with the support of my fiancée i have been feeling better, she is awesome.

I just thought that i should reintroduce myself and say hi to to you all.
Its so nice to hear from you all again :) hope you are all well.
feel free to add me on steam if you want to.

SpyInBlack 30-01-18 04:36 PM

Great to see you again mate :) Welcome back. We have to play again, like in good old days.

Pendy 30-01-18 04:46 PM

Thanks spy, good to see you again too and yes i'm up for a game anytime :)

Recon 30-01-18 04:49 PM

Hello, mate :)

I do remeber you ! And hope you remember me ^^

Sadly you didn't join ITS at some point... eh we lost our chance now :D

Nice to know that your privat life is settle, good to have close a person who will always support :)

Pendy 30-01-18 04:55 PM

Hi Recon

yes of course i remember you!

haha yeah thanks :)

Spec 30-01-18 05:00 PM

Heya! Not sure your name rings any bells, but welcome back nonetheless =)

It's great to have supportive people closeby, depression's a bitch, but as you know, it can get better :)

Pendy 30-01-18 05:09 PM

Yeah thanks Spec, maybe i will see you in game. :)

Spec 30-01-18 05:13 PM


Ninwes 30-01-18 06:06 PM

Hey Pendy,

Welcome back to the forums :)

Matt 30-01-18 07:03 PM

Pendy, welcome back mate. Great to see the arcade has got a king again!!!

Must admit, it is good to see another member from the UK here, feels close when I can think about Manchester and actually know exactly where it is.... not like many other european cities... my knowledge NEEDS to improve... I have simply not travelled enough!

However, you are still over 100 miles away... but better than 1000 I guess for others on this site!!!

Still, glad to hear depression has improved, had it once myself many years ago. Same thing, loved ones helped me through it and have never looked back. I hope all those dreams come true with moving etc... I am sure you deserve it mate.

Anyway, do hope you can stick around, fantastic to see you again and hear all is well.


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