Thread: Pendy
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Old 04-02-18, 07:27 PM   #18
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Hi Pendy,

Very good to see you back.
It's really nice to read such an open and honest introduction. My fiancée and I have always had a thing for Japan as well, and would also like to travel there some day. It seems it's a really expensive place (and that's coming from a Dane!!) though, but I'm sure we will go there some day.

It's really nice that you have such a supportive fiancée. Although I fortunately haven't had a depression myself, I also have a very supportive partner, and know that you and me both are really lucky.

My fiancée and I are getting married in August, so you wont be alone in being an all grown up "old married couple"-type, once you tie the knot.

I hope that both your hopes, dreams and ambitions will come through, and that your anxiety will improve to a stage where it'll be nothing more than a distant memory. It may sound utopic, but given time, who knows.

I look forward to seeing you on Discord and in game!

All the best - like Matt said, you deserve it.
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