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Old 19-06-18, 10:56 AM   #11
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SAS_Random's community rank display

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SAS_Random is from Boston, United States SAS_Random is Male

Might I suggest that deaths be rolled back as well, perhaps at the rate of 1 per hour (do your own math to come up with a number you like) as far as calculations go. It seems that playing for an hour and not dying would be a pretty great feat since it seems that, of those that play, we all seem to die at least once every 30 minutes (more if the server is empty when we play), but those deaths accumulate and can never be reduced. My point is that often the deaths are just as glitched as the game penalty system. It only seems fair that some of those deaths can drop off with time played as well.

Also, if you apply a simply eye test to the level of game play you see from let's say Columbo. He rarely gets shot and makes nearly perfect shoot/no shoot decisions, yet his score is 41%. This means the ranking / scoring would not pass the eye test of determining the quality of gaming from the individual. This means that players using lethal weapons and making great decisions about shooting or not shooting can never hope to rank high. The quality of game play should have a factor to the overall score in some way. I can go into the server using non lethal all the time and never get a penalty....ever. For me, that would not be exciting. For the game to be exciting for me, I must give the armed suspect an opportunity to comply and then, based upon his reaction, apply appropriate force to control the situation without getting myself or anyone else killed. I will never score higher than 0% on your ranking system, but I'm a skilled player that completes about 60% of missions even when playing alone, makes solid shoot/no shoot decisions (suspect arrest to incapacitation rate of about 4/1), and put my shots on target an overwhelming percentage of the time. According to SOG scoring, that's worth nothing. 0%.
Lt.Col 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Commanding Officer--Retired

Last edited by SAS_Random; 19-06-18 at 11:15 AM.
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