Donation Goal
Can you support us this month? £0/£40 (0%)
Demon speed is our all time donation KING @ £505! Thank you from all of the Special Operations Group community!
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Hello there!

Thank you for visiting our community donation page!

We appreciate every donation made in order to keep our servers & website running.

We have served the SWAT 4 community since 2006, and intend to always be here for friendships, fun, and that "space" away from everyday life.

Everything comes with a cost, and sadly so does running our community. The servers, hosting, & domains all have associated fees that need to be raised in order to continue our services.

We have significantly reduced, & always look to keep our monthly costs low to promote value for money.

Any donation you can make is really appreciated great or small; it makes a huge difference... Thank you!

Funding Information

- Our monthly target breakdown can be seen above with estimated costings
- All donators will be recognised with an additional user title "Community Sponsor"
- All donators will be honoured on our site donations page (viewable if registered)
- We are a not-for-profit community, and all donations are used to meet our costs
- Sponsors over £40 can become Community VIP's

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