Thread: Selena
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Old 04-02-18, 12:37 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Last Online: 04-10-18 06:45 PM

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Posts: 78

Selena is from Norway Selena is Female
Default Selena

Everyone! May I have your attention, please?

*gestures for folks to step closer*

Some of you know of me, some have kept in touch, some have heard of my old name of
Trinity and some of you don't know me at all. I invite you all to revisit getting to know me again now. This is indeed a reunion, and I bet we all have varying degrees of memory loss as well as taking into consideration how much a person can change in 10 years. *grins*

For many years now I've used the name Selena / Selena the Arctic Wolf and other variations. It is based off of a character in my original story that I even posted a bit from in the old SOG forum. Aaaand, I still haven't gotten any further on that story if you were all wondering.

A/S/L: 34 years old (35 this year), woman, Norway.

General: Gamer and dog lover at heart. I don't work due to illness. When it comes to media, which I guess I am a decent consumer of, I tend to seek out science fiction, action, crime and fantasy. I read a LOT of Fan-fiction and some anime are awesome too.

I'm back here at SOG because I do have very fond memories of SWAT and clans related to SWAT. SOG was the last SWAT clan I was in, and I was a pretty active user of the forum and just as active co-op player. I was pretty specific and hard headed with my gaming, not willing to end lives. *smiles* It was an ongoing struggle for me to get people in line, but I did manage it a few times. *laughs* Lots of fond memories of good players and off topic conversations.

DKS, ECHO, DBS, US*T and SOG were the primary clans I were a part of in my SWAT time, and due to my active participation I actually managed to get decent ranks too.

Along the way I met some really great people, and after so many years I still feel close to some.


I may never fire up SWAT4 again, though I own the discs, know where the discs are and have taken great care of those precious games. I am just not sure I want to go back.

I DID know of the project Ready or Not, and have been interested in a new take on SWAT for SO long. But now that I look at their site, they seem to not have any dev blogs since July? I fear for the projects completion.

Never the less, I am keen to familiarize myself with SOG's old and new faces and game on other games for the time being.

  • Playstation 4: selenataw
  • Steam: Selena83
  • Origin: selenataw

I will add to the list as I deem it relevant.

As for games... I have been gaming since NES, so I have a few games lying around. These days I am playing
Left 4 Dead 2 and Divinity: Original Sin 2 on PC. On PS4 I do some rounds of Rocket League. Ask me about my games and I might take the time to list a few I have.

Consoles & PC's I own/still have: PS1, PS2, PS4. PC & Laptop.


I guess this will do as a first post in my introductory thread. Thank you for reading and taking an interest.

Last edited by Selena; 04-02-18 at 03:40 PM.
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