Thread: Selena
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Old 06-02-18, 01:56 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Recon View Post
I always thought BA was an idea of Zero (She was very close to MP that time) and became a leader of BA. Tho she also was often annoyed with jokes about BA from boys' side (i personally never took those jokes seriously).

After a while Zero and MP separated from US*T bringing part of the people (i was in that part as well) to the new community Demons and Angels (DnA). BurgerKind had stayed in US*T if i remember that correctly.
And i believe you also stayed in US*T.

Well, i personally have very good feeling about US*T, they taught how to play Swat and oh good my English was so terrible that time (i don't say it okay now ), wondering how they could stand it
It might have been Zero's idea, but MP was the general ranked member whom would be the authorizing part of it, and whom would be the one I would talk to. From what I remember I never knew Zero... Not sure why. I never got close to her at all.

I have a lot of fond memories of US*T, I am just sad I could not do more to maintain it. I failed in delegating and trusting the dedication of the other members. Also I was so hardcore in co-op that I neglected the versus part which people are so fond of. I blame myself, not US*T in any way.

Maybe DnA is what MP was trying to tempt me with. *laughs* That makes sense. There were some SWAT guys who just tore into women who played SWAT. I was bullied by a guy for years on SWAT3 because he was convinced I was a guy (to be fair I did flirt with all the women). But eventually he heard me on TeamSpeak and was stunned I was actually a chick. I hated his guts for what he put me through. I am not the forgive and forget type of person. *smirks*

Burgerking was one of the oldest members of US*T, and I don't believe anything could make him leave. Unfortunately his presence was lacking, and thus he couldn't have a firm managing role. He is a great guy, just busy.

Your English seems fine to me. Not any more errors than lazy native speakers would have. *chuckles* I also come from a terrible English background.
I have looked at my old school work and, it was seriously bad. Even when I was playing SWAT3 I was not that good. Now I've had a few years to hone my skill. I understand the way of progression perfectly. No worries.
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