Thread: [General] What are YOU gaming?
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Old 23-02-18, 09:09 PM   #29
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I've been playing quite a lot Medal of Honor Allied Assault Spearhead lately. It's one of the first shooters I ever played, and I still enjoy it a lot. Also been gaming with some friends I hadn't spoken to in many years in that game, good fun still meeting the same players I was playing with 12 years ago. It's one of those games I guess I'll keep playing until there is literally novody left.

For the rest, I'm playing a lot of different games. I have this problem where I own more games than I ever have time to play. PC games mostly, I'm at my core a PC gamer and always will be, although occasionally playing on mostly my NES or other platforms is great too. In general I play lots of FPS (CoD, L4D(2), Borderlands, CSGO, to name a few), strategy (C&C, all the Civ's, CoH), many online in coop. Have a good friend abroad with whom I play a lot of games, so we've spend many years trying as many coop games as we could. Also play a lot of single player games, but if you want to know about that, check my stats on various platforms or ask me.

As part of a project I'm working on with another friend, I'm also playing lot of old games. Our goal is to play every significant game throughout the history of video games. We just reached the year 1990 and are currently playing the first Commander Keen. (@Recon Mere weeks ago I was playing the original Civ I, and encountered that very same Gandhi bug. ). We also intent to blog about the project, so as soon as that actually happens I might share some posts.

@Michael Mass Effect is ranked very high on my personal best games of all times list. I play through the series every few years just to enjoy it again.
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