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Old 29-01-18, 05:09 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by KeeRIeS View Post
I'm 3rd! (well, or 4th if Matt counts in... but he didn't introduce himself so... SMILE)


HI! Or exactly: Hello again!

This was a loooong time... Before I got this e-mail invitation from Matt I even found a |SOG| Tie in my wardrobe! This couldn't have been just a coincidence...

But anyway... Someone deleted the post where I wrote a few words about myself, so I have to do that again... -> Maybe that's good anyways as some things have probably changed since then... So here I go again as Whitesnake singed... <- For those who don't know this one... I bet everyone knows, but just in case...

I'm KeeRIeS, ex- Junior Member, ex- Junior Admin, ex- Member and ex- Admin finally (SMILE, too) Joined this community at my early Junior School age I think. Now, as the time has passed, I've been Medicine student for a while, it's 5th year already. Also I've been participating in many gigs, so as I previously wrote I'm a fan of music, guitar and the piano, now I can say this passion evolved and gave me some sort of deeper fun
Anyways, my mature exams went fine enough and all those study things go fine as well, so everything seems to go in the right direction for my plastic surgeon future carreer... (cross fingers)

My real name is Krzysztof but on Facebook etc you can rather find me as Christoph which is how you can all call me (which is easier I bet than saying 'Krzysztof' as you probably don't know how the heck all those RZ SZ etc should be read [here would be a SMILE] ). For recent 4,5 years I've been living in Łódź, Poland as I left my city of origin (Częstochowa, PL) when I started to study. If you are interested of those cities, feel welcomed to review those:
Hope this makes it easier for you!

I don't have siblings, pets or anything like that. Just have a keyboard and a guitar and they are great! BTW I'm going to a gig to Cracow tomorrow - Nothing But Thieves plays, maybe one of you heard about them as they are GB band :P If not, here comes one song of them I like very much:

If any questions, feel free to ask!

PS. Very happy about this reactivation, hope I'll find much free time to fully participate!
PS2. This |SOG| tie found by me recently must have done this happen somehow, I believe!
PS3. Matt, I have to remove a few emoticons as they are counted as images and I can only add 4 per post. Wouldn't it be better to be changed? <- I had to remove one emoticon from text to add thi sone here, too -< and again...
Great stuff... and welcome back, lovely to hear from you.

Wow, medicine is a tough trade, I admire you greatly for this passion!

I wish you every success with the Surgeon career, I am sure you will succeed.

Lastly, you are right...

1) We need better smilies... ill look into getting some more
2) We need a better limit... ill get that sorted also

Have you a picture of the |SOG| tie? would love to see it!!!!

Hope you can indeed stick around, like everyone, I hope we can.


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