Law/Mike now Michael

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Post by TimC »

Welcome back Mike! :)
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Post by Recon »

Hello, Mike !

Nice to see you are back into Swat 4 preciose game :)

What is so good in Florida that you are so excited about coming back there? ^^
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Post by KeeRIeS »

I already met you on COOP and VIP yesterday but anyway hello also here on forums! :)

It was fun to play with you the couple of rounds! :) (or a cuple of hours... xD)
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Post by O'Neill »

Good to see you here again, Mike.
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Post by Nicoleise »

[quote=""Michael""][...]I'm thankfully moving back to Florida w00t w00t.[...][/quote]

Oh, I get that! :D The weather in Florida is just... If I had to move anywhere in the US, that's where I'd go! All you ever need there are shorts and t-shirts, I could throw 50% of my wardrobe out. :D

Really good to see you back, Michael. And good to hear that life is treating you well. Also really interesting with the Indie game. I think these are usually the most interesting to follow and play, because they tend to actually bring something new to the table, whereas major developers seems to stick with their cash cows.

Demand for indie games combined with the much easier to-market-channels means, that an interesting new indie game is likely to see success. So I wish you the best and hope that it'll be everything you hope for. :)

Looking forward to seeing you on Discord and in game,
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