O'Neill Intro

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O'Neill Intro

Post by O'Neill »

Hello there.

Some people here already know me but I'll give a recap. I didn't formally join SOG but I was a Forum VIP. A long time ago, I was playing SWAT 4 co-op and found the SOG server. There I met tcTransporter (Tim), Law (Mike), Trinity (Selena), Spec, and many others who I might not remember at the moment as it was a long time ago. I played SWAT 4 co-op almost exclusively but played VIP mode a few times.

I am still a co-op gamer, playing games such as The Division, Star Trek Online, World of Warships and Armored Warfare (though the last two I'm playing on and off).

I'm a sci-fi fan (the avatar is probably a clue :laugh: )

I've been steadily employed for about 5 years at a small company where I handle logistics and technical support.

Uh, I guess that's all I have for now.
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Post by sander »

welcome back mate see you ingame.
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Post by Nicoleise »

Very good to see you again, O'Neil. :)

Yea, I remember lots of posting and chatting with you. :) Definitely remember that you and Mike were into Star Trek Online for a while too! It's good to see you're doing well.

I hope you still have SWAT 4 somewhere, and feel up for joining; if not - I'd join you for some Division some day, although I'd have to ask you to choose a day where you feel patient. :D
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Post by Selena »

Hey, I have The Division, on PS4 though. :P

Good to see your introduction post, O'Neill, I learn a bit new here and there.

Star Trek Online though? Its so... So... Ugh. I mean. Yeah, but.. NO. *laughs* I can't do MMO's. I keep trying, but I always fail at enjoying it.
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Post by C.A.B.A.L. »

Yay :) WB M8 :)
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Post by Ninwes »

Hey O'neill.

Welcome back to the forums and hope to see you on the servers at times.
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Post by Matt »

Hello mate, welcome back to the site. Great to hear all is well. Hope you can stick around,

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Post by KeeRIeS »

Welcome to the forums again! :)

Have a nice time here! :)
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Post by Bravo »

STARGATE Rules It's good to see you here after all this years. Long time no seen. :) It's good when old buddies returned to home :)
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Post by Biodome »

Welcome back!

[quote=""O'Neill""]I'm a sci-fi fan (the avatar is probably a clue :laugh: )[/quote]

Not just your avatar, the nickname too :D (or is that your actual surname?)
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