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Post by Pendy »

[quote=""Nicoleise""]Thank you for the picture! :)

I am horrible at eating foreign food, sadly, but actually Ramen is something we eat quite regularly here at home, as both me and my fiancée likes it - plus it's super convinient and quick to make.

As for the culture, we always check that out before going anywhere. When we went to Dubai, we looked at the customs for how you dress, and how you aren't supposed to show affection in public. In the US, we looked at how to not get shot in a traffic stop. :D (Joking) It's good advice nonetheless.

If we do ever manage to go, I'd hope to be able to reach you for some good travelling tips before we go there. :) [/quote]

No problem, it felt so weird being around that buddha, i got a strange feeling that i can't explain.

Iam not good at eating foreign food too, i've never tried sushi and i dont think i will lol but my fiancée did feed me fried squid (she didnt tell me what it was and it had bread crumbs on it, i thought it was chicken) but it didnt taste too bad.

There are lots of Ramen restaurants in Japan, you can eat anywhere all the restaurants i went to was so clean. We also went to a Yakiniku restaurant were you cook your own food on your table. (like a little Bbq)

Haha i've never been to the US before, maybe one day.

You can find a lot of info about travelling there on Youtube and the internet but yeah sure i could give you some tips if you need. :)
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