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Post by Selena »

[quote=""Nicoleise""]Like I said elsewhere; I'm happy to see you back, and to see that you're still doing alright. And that you haven't been rear-ended by those tailgating Norwegians I once complained to you about, expecting you to fix it by addressing the nation. :p

Out of the games you mention, L4D2 is the only one I play. I know that Recon has a burning desire to play though the game end to end, so if you like, we could setup a complete playthrough with a forth player? :)

Take care! :) [/quote]

Thank you, thank you. Glad to be back. Norwegians love tailgating, addressing the nation just didn't work out the way I wanted. I might have put my teasing spin on my words and most didn't realize I was talking about tailgating. :P

Well then, we have soon gathered a full team, ready to head out into the wilds of zombie infested territories. Woop!

[quote=""O'Neill""]You might want to tone down the teasing unless your girl doesn't mind. :p

I remember I wrote some of that story and you and others wrote the rest. That was probably my first bad attempt at fanfiction. :lol: [/quote]

I assure you, my girl doesn't mind. *grins* We talk about it now and then, and she's cool with it. She's probably coming to the forum and will be reading this herself. Sometimes I copy paste it to my girl so she knows what I say when I'm being silly. Haha. Full disclosure.

Hey, that was not a bad attempt at all. As an experienced fan-fiction reader, I can tell you that right off the bat you will be better than 50% of the writers out there. Trust me. *laughs*
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Post by Biodome »

[quote=""Selena""]Nico did write some impressively long posts, I almost had to compete. *grins* It is good for my English anyways.[/quote]

Yeah, your command of English, to my eyes at least, seems indistinguishable from that of a literate native speaker!

[quote=""Selena""]Specifically what comes to mind on sci-fi is Star Trek (The Next Generation, Voyager and some of the movies), Babylon 5 (plus some of the movies), Pitch Black, Terminator, Alien, Predator, Stargate and so forth. On the fantasy side you have Pan's Labyrinth, Lord of the Rings, 300 and a bunch of others that just gets your imagination going. Vampires, creatures, monsters, big fantasy worlds and unusual societies and time travel and... and... Yeah. You catch my drift.[/quote]

Those are some very fine and classic picks! I really like your taste! I am glad that you mentioned Lord of the Rings among the fantasy examples - it's an unforgettable universe. I've just finished collecting all of The History of Middle-earth volumes - that's going to be a massive shelf to read :D

The only difference between you and me that I can see is that I've never had a chance to get into Star Trek - I kind of grew up with Star Wars. But I get along well with Trekkies too :p

[quote=""Selena""]Anything in particular you were thinking of?[/quote]

My list of sci-fi would also include the Doctor Who TV Series, and Douglas Adams' literature. They would fit most of the categories you mentioned, i.e. "creatures, monsters, big fantasy worlds and unusual societies and time travel". Not sure if you've heard of those, but if you haven't, they might be of interest to you.

Where in Norway do you live, by the way, if you don't mind me asking?
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Post by Matt »

Excellent introduction... I have learnt some new things I did not know before Selena!

For example, didn't know you couldn't work due to illness... I hope you are ok!

Secondly, don't ever remember the mention of dogs... do you have any? If so names & breeds?

Lastly, I do think you should dust down the SWAT disk.... I mean, I got back into the game for 5 minutes and feel disappointed I ever left it!

Glad you are part of this community again, I always enjoyed your presence in the past.
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Post by DefCon5 »

Hey there,

great to see you again here on the forums .. loong time no seen.
I agree on Matt's offer to take a look at the "One and Only" CD ever :)
You may look at it and all the memorys from the good old times appearing in your imagination, then you start to play and its will be like a timemachine with target 2007/8.

I didnt knew you were in so many clans before, but your presence ingame was allways a mystery to me as you looked so educated, we didnt played much but we had some rounds..

For Ready or Not, all i can say we have to wait! I recommend to check the reddit for RoN and take some time to find infos: As far i know theyre currently overviewing/ working some stuff to polish the game for a better gameplay experience. They allso made a clear "Strike" by dropping the Trailer bombs - it has get a lot of attention now and lots a peoples waiting for news and the next devblog. I believe they do work on it and will release more info "soon" Lets pray this will NOT end in a disaster and give em the time to develop ;)

I know that you posted once a Video or some information about a group called Pentatonix on the old forums, i had a look to it and felt in love with the great Music / cover versions they do, i really like acapella Music. If youre from Norway you may heard of "Aurora" if not get a look on yt :)

Best regards,
Last edited by DefCon5 on Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Recon »

Hello, Selena :) Nice to meet one more girl on this boys-mostly-forum ^^

Not sure we had played together back days, hope to fix it soon.

You did mention you were a part of US*T community before. It was the first community i'd joined. My Nickname was Os that time.
Don't remember tho if we met there. Were you a part of Blue Angels squad? Do you remember Zero and MP?
I am still in touch with Rod_Seal if you know him ^^

[quote=""Nicoleise""]Out of the games you mention, L4D2 is the only one I play. I know that Recon has a burning desire to play though the game end to end, so if you like, we could setup a complete playthrough with a forth player? :) [/quote]

Agree, i am always up for killing-zombie-parties :D
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Post by Selena »

[quote=""Biodome""]your command of English seems indistinguishable from that of a literate native speaker![/quote]

Thanks, I get that a bit. I try to shed the awful Norwegian butchering of English. Native speakers find it charming when you have a distinct sound to your English that firmly establishes you as a foreigner. I am less enthusiastic of such sounds, at least from my self.

[quote=""Biodome""]I really like your taste! I am glad that you mentioned Lord of the Rings. I've just finished collecting all of The History of Middle-earth volumes - that's going to be a massive shelf to read :D [/quote]

Thanks, my taste can be a bit mainstream, as I'm not as big a consumer as I was. Don't envy you the task of digesting Lord of the Rings, it will leave you no time to game.

[quote=""Biodome""]The only difference between you and me that I can see is that I've never had a chance to get into Star Trek - I kind of grew up with Star Wars. But I get along well with Trekkies too :p [/quote]

I wouldn't say I am a Trekkie, as I never fell for Deep Space 9 (I am planning to give it a go again), nor have I embraced Enterprise or Discovery. But, the TNG movies I keep revisiting, and I relive an alternate universe of Voyager through fan-fiction. One where a relationship blooms between Captain Katheryn Janeway and the human Borg drone 7 of 9, also known as Annika Hansen. Some wonderful writers have really given me a lot of material to digest in that world, so it means quite a bit to me.

[quote=""Biodome""]My list of sci-fi would also include the Doctor Who TV Series, and Douglas Adams' literature. They would fit most of the categories you mentioned, i.e. "creatures, monsters, big fantasy worlds and unusual societies and time travel". Not sure if you've heard of those, but if you haven't, they might be of interest to you.

Where in Norway do you live, by the way, if you don't mind me asking?

Ah, yes. Dr. Who. The never ending time traveler. Psyched about a female Dr. then? I have a friend whom watches it, and I have gleamed a bit when visiting him. But, I don't think it is for me. It feels a bit wonky.

I will disclose that I am a Trønder. Revealing location when you are a woman is usually a bad idea. *grins*

[quote=""Matt""]Excellent introduction... I have learnt some new things I did not know before Selena!
For example, didn't know you couldn't work due to illness... I hope you are ok!
Secondly, don't ever remember the mention of dogs... do you have any? If so names & breeds?

Lastly, I do think you should dust down the SWAT disk.... I mean, I got back into the game for 5 minutes and feel disappointed I ever left it!

Glad you are part of this community again, I always enjoyed your presence in the past.[/quote]

Are you saing I wasn't a pain in the behind before? Cool. I'll own that then. *laughs*

Sick, yes. It's just CFS/ME. I take symptoms and pains as they come. Thankfully I am an annoyingly stubborn and selfish individual that enjoys being a lone wolf. So, this sickness thing, kicking my butt, FAILS! I am still gaming! *grins* It won't kill me, that I know of, just wear me down. I am OK.

Dogs? I grew up with German Shepherds. My sister is a co-owner of a retired police dog Tarzan at the moment, black shepherd mix. When my sister travels we tend to him. He's awesome, I wish he was over more often.

I want to own my own at one point, but I need to be settled and have support for it.
I tend to like herding dogs, and dogs that have upright ears, long noses and an intelligent spark in their eyes.

Still need some convincing on that SWAT4. I will take my time and think about it. I was pretty serious about SWAT, and if I get back in, I will be serious again. It takes focus and concentration. I'm not sure I can be as good as I was. And perhaps I want to keep my accomplishments a fond memory not to be spoiled. *grins*

[quote=""DefCon5""]I didnt knew you were in so many clans before, but your presence ingame was allways a mystery to me as you looked so educated, we didnt played much but we had some rounds..[/quote]

Hi! Yeah, I had some years under my belt. DKS was my own clan that I ran for about 2 years on SWAT3, DBS I stayed with for a while and US*T was a longer stay, where I rose to Lieutenant General, probably because the clan was dying at that point and they needed active players at the top. I wasn't able to bring it back. BUT, I ROSE through the ranks and WORKED my butt off. Stuck through it... I tried my best.

I did a lot of tactical evaluations, and SWAT3 punished any mistake you did harshly, more so than SWAT4 ever did. I found tactics, trained people, demanded cohesive executions of tactics, found which mods worked, managed people and... Put my heart into it. By the time I landed in SOG, I was a bit worn out and didn't want to train others anymore... Though I was still vocal. SWAT3 and now SWAT4 was my social platform too. But SWAT4 lacked lobbies where you could chat and get to know folks, so the SOG forum was the next best thing. *smiles* I'm glad I found it and stayed with it as long as I did.

[quote=""DefCon5""]For Ready or Not, all i can say we have to wait![/quote]

And wait I shall. I'm actually very patient. *smirks*

[quote=""DefCon5""]I know that you posted once a Video or some information about a group called Pentatonix on the old forums, i had a look to it and felt in love with the great Music / cover versions they do, i really like acapella Music. If youre from Norway you may heard of "Aurora" if not get a look on yt :)

Best regards,

I posted so much back then that I have no recollection of Pentatonix. Haha, thank you for reminding me. Auroroa sounds familiar, I need to stop typing soon, though, and get some sleep.

[quote=""Recon""]Hello, Selena :) Nice to meet one more girl on this boys-mostly-forum ^^[/quote]

Recon, *bows a bit* again we meet then. *stands up erect and looks into your eyes*

[quote=""Recon""]Not sure we had played together back days, hope to fix it soon.[/quote]

I am unsure if we have played, yes. But I find it likely that we might have at one point or another. Oh well, I would like to watch your back in L4D2, I can manage decently in that world.

[quote=""Recon""]You did mention you were a part of US*T community before. It was the first community i'd joined. My Nickname was Os that time.
Don't remember tho if we met there. Were you a part of Blue Angels squad? Do you remember Zero and MP?
I am still in touch with Rod_Seal if you know him ^^[/quote]

I remember the creation of the Blue Angels branch, which I was very much against. Simply because it branched the women away from the core of the clan, making it a pocket of people not with the core of US*T. It aggravated me quite a bit. *chuckles* We were so few that played SWAT that I felt it essential that we all meshed together. I never delved into the Blue Angels, that was MPierres baby, as I know women embrace every safe haven and harbor. It was a misstep by me, I feel. I should have gotten involved, but I am unsure at where I was at that point. I have a vague memory of MPierre trying to woo me back to US*T with it too. *shakes my head* So long ago it is hard to remember. I do have BurgerKing on Steam and MP on facebook I believe.

*ponders on the name "Os"... Honestly unsure. Zero was female, right? Man, so blurry.

[quote=""Recon""]Agree, i am always up for killing-zombie-parties :D [/quote]

*checks around, grips the assault rifle next to me and tosses it to you, picks up my shotgun and puts shells in the feeding tube* Lets get a move on then. Take point, and I will do what I can while getting a feel of your play style.
Last edited by Biodome on Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Biodome »

[quote=""Selena""]Thanks, I get that a bit. I try to shed the awful Norwegian butchering of English. Native speakers find it charming when you have a distinct sound to your English that firmly establishes you as a foreigner. I am less enthusiastic of such sounds, at least from my self.[/quote]

I know what you mean - it's usually possible to tell with reasonable accuracy where a person comes from just by their use of spoken English. I wouldn't necessarily call it butchering, unless we are talking about broken grammar, but it's a kind of accent that is difficult to get rid of. I've always had that as an Eastern European, and while living in the UK helped me unlearn some habits, I still frequently catch myself talking the lazy way. I'd love if I could talk like a Scot, rather than the classic London English, but that's another layer of complexity :D

[quote=""Selena""]Thanks, my taste can be a bit mainstream, as I'm not as big a consumer as I was. Don't envy you the task of digesting Lord of the Rings, it will leave you no time to game.[/quote]

Lord of the Rings is just a drop in the ocean at this point - I've read the books twice already. It's that 12-volume set of books that's gonna take a lifetime. But I'll manage to balance it with gaming, somehow :)

[quote=""Selena""]Ah, yes. Dr. Who. The never ending time traveler. Psyched about a female Dr. then? I have a friend whom watches it, and I have gleamed a bit when visiting him. But, I don't think it is for me. It feels a bit wonky.[/quote]

The show has its ups and downs. Some episodes literally make you cry from beauty, while others make you just want to turn it off as soon as possible in disappointment. I wasn't too big of a fan of the writing in recent episodes. Maybe the new Doctor and a fresh crew is going to fix those issues, maybe not - I have no idea. I still haven't seen the Classic Who seasons, so I got that one as a fallback if things turn terribly wrong :D

[quote=""Selena""]I will disclose that I am a Trønder. Revealing location when you are a woman is usually a bad idea. *grins*[/quote]

Yeah, I didn't want anything more than a general location. I can't say I envy you living so far north. The winter down here around Oslo has become pretty harsh, so I can't even imagine what horrors you must be going through :D
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Post by TimC »

Welcome back Selena... I forgot about that story... maybe you should bring it back? ;)
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Post by Nicoleise »

[quote=""DefCon5""][...] your presence ingame was allways a mystery to me as you looked so educated [...][/quote]


Not sure if that's a burn on us. :D
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Post by Recon »

[quote=""Selena""]I remember the creation of the Blue Angels branch, which I was very much against. Simply because it branched the women away from the core of the clan, making it a pocket of people not with the core of US*T. It aggravated me quite a bit. *chuckles* We were so few that played SWAT that I felt it essential that we all meshed together. I never delved into the Blue Angels, that was MPierres baby, as I know women embrace every safe haven and harbor. It was a misstep by me, I feel. I should have gotten involved, but I am unsure at where I was at that point. I have a vague memory of MPierre trying to woo me back to US*T with it too. *shakes my head* So long ago it is hard to remember. I do have BurgerKing on Steam and MP on facebook I believe.

*ponders on the name "Os"... Honestly unsure. Zero was female, right? Man, so blurry.

I always thought BA was an idea of Zero (She was very close to MP that time) and became a leader of BA. Tho she also was often annoyed with jokes about BA from boys' side (i personally never took those jokes seriously).

After a while Zero and MP separated from US*T bringing part of the people (i was in that part as well) to the new community Demons and Angels (DnA). BurgerKind had stayed in US*T if i remember that correctly.
And i believe you also stayed in US*T.

Well, i personally have very good feeling about US*T, they taught how to play Swat and oh good my English was so terrible that time (i don't say it okay now :p ), wondering how they could stand it :D
Last edited by Nicoleise on Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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