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Post by Recon »


Not sure if that's a burn on us. :D [/quote]

yep, feeling some undercover meaning :p
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Post by Selena »

[quote=""Biodome""]I know what you mean - it's usually possible to tell with reasonable accuracy where a person comes from just by their use of spoken English. I wouldn't necessarily call it butchering, unless we are talking about broken grammar, but it's a kind of accent that is difficult to get rid of. I've always had that as an Eastern European, and while living in the UK helped me unlearn some habits, I still frequently catch myself talking the lazy way. I'd love if I could talk like a Scot, rather than the classic London English, but that's another layer of complexity :D [/quote]

Sean Connery style? All you have to do is sit down with some movies and copy it over and over. I tend to mimick the English in the area I'm at. I have an American style to my speech now, and I'm happy with that.

[quote=""Biodome""]It's that 12-volume set of books that's gonna take a lifetime. But I'll manage to balance it with gaming, somehow :) [/quote]

At least you have something to keep you occupied. I'll stay with my fan-fiction.

[quote=""Biodome""]The show has its ups and downs. Some episodes literally make you cry from beauty, while others make you just want to turn it off as soon as possible in disappointment. I wasn't too big of a fan of the writing in recent episodes. Maybe the new Doctor and a fresh crew is going to fix those issues, maybe not - I have no idea. I still haven't seen the Classic Who seasons, so I got that one as a fallback if things turn terribly wrong :D [/quote]

The writers do make all the difference, don't they? I guess it is like any other show, the quality varies. One show that has a very high quality episodes is a show called The Good Wife. I saw all 7 seasons and I couldn't really name one episode that was BAD. Sure, there were a few more boring ones than others, but no more than 10 episodes out of 7 seasons. The lead actress Julianna Marguiles does a fantastic job.

[quote=""Biodome""]I can't say I envy you living so far north. The winter down here around Oslo has become pretty harsh, so I can't even imagine what horrors you must be going through :D [/quote]

It works out alright. I'm not sure the cold helps on my health, but the snow does make the darker months of the year, a bit brighter. I am a bit fond of the cruder culture the further north you go. More cussing and such. *smirks* And the humor is more my style too, not so bland and uptight.

[quote=""TimC""]Welcome back Selena... I forgot about that story... maybe you should bring it back? ;) [/quote]

Oh, gosh. In my head it is a pretty big tale... And I've only written pieces of it. But, "Phoenix" as I called it, is a supernatural romance/drama tale.

DON'T READ THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT IT ALL SPOILED! This story which will never be completed.
*smiles* I like my tale. I might revisit this post and rewrite it so that it is more cohesive and easier to read and understand. The tale that lives in my head is hard to put on paper. I'm not that good of a writer after all.

Anyways... Yeah, I don't think I will post the fragmented parts of the tale I have so far. A lot of sex and death in it, and that is against the rules now. Adult tales for adult people, you know. *laughs*

[quote=""Nicoleise""]Not sure if that's a burn on us. :D [/quote]

HAHA! I didn't even think of it that way, but now that you mention it. *laughs*
Last edited by Selena on Fri Feb 09, 2018 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Selena »

[quote=""Recon""]I always thought BA was an idea of Zero (She was very close to MP that time) and became a leader of BA. Tho she also was often annoyed with jokes about BA from boys' side (i personally never took those jokes seriously).

After a while Zero and MP separated from US*T bringing part of the people (i was in that part as well) to the new community Demons and Angels (DnA). BurgerKind had stayed in US*T if i remember that correctly.
And i believe you also stayed in US*T.

Well, i personally have very good feeling about US*T, they taught how to play Swat and oh good my English was so terrible that time (i don't say it okay now :p ), wondering how they could stand it :D

It might have been Zero's idea, but MP was the general ranked member whom would be the authorizing part of it, and whom would be the one I would talk to. From what I remember I never knew Zero... Not sure why. I never got close to her at all.

I have a lot of fond memories of US*T, I am just sad I could not do more to maintain it. I failed in delegating and trusting the dedication of the other members. Also I was so hardcore in co-op that I neglected the versus part which people are so fond of. I blame myself, not US*T in any way.

Maybe DnA is what MP was trying to tempt me with. *laughs* That makes sense. There were some SWAT guys who just tore into women who played SWAT. I was bullied by a guy for years on SWAT3 because he was convinced I was a guy (to be fair I did flirt with all the women). But eventually he heard me on TeamSpeak and was stunned I was actually a chick. I hated his guts for what he put me through. I am not the forgive and forget type of person. *smirks*

Burgerking was one of the oldest members of US*T, and I don't believe anything could make him leave. Unfortunately his presence was lacking, and thus he couldn't have a firm managing role. He is a great guy, just busy.

Your English seems fine to me. Not any more errors than lazy native speakers would have. *chuckles* I also come from a terrible English background.
I have looked at my old school work and, it was seriously bad. Even when I was playing SWAT3 I was not that good. Now I've had a few years to hone my skill. I understand the way of progression perfectly. No worries.
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Post by 223Games »

i do remember your (old) name but thanx for this great intro! welcome back!
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Post by Biodome »

[quote=""Selena""]Sean Connery style?[/quote]

More like Paul Higgins:

Or Peter Capaldi:
(Warning - massive amounts of cussing)

I find that kind of pronunciation very satisfying :D

[quote=""Selena""]I have an American style to my speech now, and I'm happy with that.

What sort of American are you aiming for? They have some really nice dialects too!

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Post by Selena »

[quote=""Biodome""]Peter Capaldi:
(Warning - massive amounts of cussing)

I find that kind of pronunciation very satisfying :D

What sort of American are you aiming for? They have some really nice dialects too!

That is a lot of cussing. I'm impressed, though he doesn't seem much in control of his anger at all.

I don't think I have a certain aim. Most American's I speak to say that they can't place my dialect, and that's probably because I've absorbed so much from TV that it has no clear cut form to it. I never studied American speech, I just adapted to it. I'm no southern belle though, that's for sure.
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Post by Biodome »

[quote=""Selena""]That is a lot of cussing. I'm impressed, though he doesn't seem much in control of his anger at all.[/quote]

Yep, he completely goes overboard there :D It's most of where the comedy comes from. If you enjoy this sort of stuff, those clips are from a film that's a spin-off of The Thick of It, a BBC satirical show on the UK government.
Last edited by Biodome on Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by O'Neill »

I've heard Selena speak in the past and she does speak English very well. As for her American accent, I'm not sure which region it is. West coast maybe? [emoji848]

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Post by Selena »

I certainly have no clue. *laughs* Probably a mix and mismatch. I'm good with that though. As long as people generally understand me. =)
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Post by Selena »

[quote=""223Games""]i do remember your (old) name but thanx for this great intro! welcome back![/quote]

Thank you, same to you. I guess we are all back from the void.
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