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Post by Kaatt »

Hi everyone,

My name is Adam but those here who remember me know me as Kaatt.

I don't remember when I joined SOG but I was a member for a while then, if memory serves, I bit the wrong hand and had to move on. All of that would have been around 2007/2008/2009 or so.

I was excited to hear from Matt about registering again. I'd lost touch with many of you since but Law found me on Facebook and we've talked there a few times.

Since leaving the SOG, I've gotten married, nearly lost a foot in an mining incident (I didn't and I'm good minus some cosmetic issues) and welcomed our baby girl into the world last July.

While my days of SWAT4 playing are behind me, I can be found bouncing around the PlayStation Network lately.

Anyone remember this fiesty Canadian? Ha!
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Post by Biodome »

Welcome back, Kaatt! I don't think I had a chance to meet you back then, as I discovered the clan sometime in 2010.

My warmest congratulations about your daughter!
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Post by Kaatt »

Thanks Biodome. I scrolled through this thread and there's many names I don't recognize. Haha. But my time was nearly a decade ago. The grey in my hair and beard remind me that as well... haha

I can't believe how largeand diverse the SOG family became!
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Post by Nicoleise »


Anyone remember this fiesty Canadian? Ha![/quote]

I do, I do, I do! :D

Very good to see you again! Happy you made it back to say hi. I remember you clearly, you were a high member either when I joined SOG or shortly after. I have always enjoyed speaking with you, and playing SWAT with you.

Pretty concerning to learn about your mining accident, but good to hear that you came through relatively unscathed. I do seem to recall that we would joke about you having nine lives in VIP though, maybe something to it. :D

So good to read, that life has been good to you. Congratulations on your marriage as well as your daughter.

I look forward to seeing you around occasionally, I hope, although I can't join you in PlayStation games.

Take care,
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Post by sander »

Hey i think i remember you or at least came across your nickname before but welcome to the forums. And ofc congrats on your marriage and daughter.
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Post by Matt »

Kaatt... welcome back mate. Great to hear from you, it really is.

I think you are potentially one of the oldest members who have returned to SOG again... pretty much from the very early days if I recall! I think Wes will remember you, but your time was definitely when Majid was around....

Great to see life in ten years has been treating you well, apart from the accident. However, congratulations on the family and marriage.

Although SWAT4 is a game you may never well play again, really do hope you can stay in touch every so often at site.

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Post by Kaatt »

There's some familiar names!

Yep, I was a High Member then! Wore the yellow with pride! Haha.

Don't worry too much about the foot, aside from the scars, it hasn't slowed me down or scared me out of the hole. Scars show where the world tried to get you, but you said "no".

Matt, Majid was my day. Makes me feel like some old wise man in a rocker with all these "kids" running around. Haha.

I'll try and stay in touch but if any of you want to ensure to keep in touch, shoot me a message or add me to PSN!
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Post by Selena »

Hello Kaatt. The name rings a bell, but I somehow don't associate it with SOG. *shrugs* Oh well. Welcome back.
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Post by Kaatt »

Different paths crossing perhaps?

It's my standard user name around for all of my gaming realm so it's possible we've crossed paths before.
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Post by TimC »

Hey Kaatt! I remember, and went by tcTransporter back then. I believe you played BF2 as well as SWAT and other games with us and Majid back then if i remember correctly. Good times!

Glad to hear you are doing well with your family. Hope to see you around the forums still and maybe some day on another PC game if not SWAT. :)
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