|SOG| Tournament Spring/Summer 2018 Edition - comments

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|SOG| Tournament Spring/Summer 2018 Edition - comments

Post by KeeRIeS »



As SOG has been working pretty well nowadays, especially I have met many of you on our SOG servers almost every evening, there came an idea to my mind. I mean it has been coming to my mind for quite long time but now, as you're reading this short introduction to the main content of this post, the idea has grown up and now has even got its own moustache... So here I am at the end of this intro to present this idea, that will hopefully succeed being something great, something special and it will become high standard for next |SOG| tournaments in future. Argh, it was supposed to be a secret... So now I can say:

WE'VE GOT A TOURNAMENT <- click, click!!!
Last edited by KeeRIeS on Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by SAS_Random »

This sounds very exciting. I'll have to join a team.

[quote=""KeeRIeS""]c) Teams of 3 (max.) - Less Lethal
Disallowed EQ is: pepperspray, Less-lethal shotgun, pepperball, taser, c2.
[/SIZE] Players are allowed to take anything not mentioned as disallowed.
Only 1 player per a team is allowed to equip Optiwand.[/quote]

You may want to edit this bit to say Teams of 3 (max.) - Lethal Equipment
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Post by SAS_Random »

For the lethal portion, perhaps disallowing CS gas and grenade launchers might be a good idea.
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Post by KeeRIeS »

[quote=""SAS_Random""]For the lethal portion, perhaps disallowing CS gas and grenade launchers might be a good idea.[/quote]

Post moved to the correct thread.

Also, good point about grenade launchers - added to the eq info. However, grenades will stay allowed. Also, as you wrote in PM, melee attack will stay allowed for those not surrending on grenade and shout, as it is more suitable for those non-surrending only than pepper sprays - you rather dont use melee attack on armed suspect and with pepper spray someone might try to use it on such cases :)

Thanks for your feedback! :)
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Post by Ninwes »

[quote=""KeeRIeS""]Post moved to the correct thread.

Also, good point about grenade launchers - added to the eq info. However, grenades will stay allowed. Also, as you wrote in PM, melee attack will stay allowed for those not surrending on grenade and shout, as it is more suitable for those non-surrending only than pepper sprays - you rather dont use melee attack on armed suspect and with pepper spray someone might try to use it on such cases :)

Thanks for your feedback! :) [/quote]

One thing punchin a civ hurts it and can kill it if it's already hurt.
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Post by SAS_Random »

The only issue I might see with allowing pepper spray is pepper rushing small rooms or corners as an exploit. I'd restrict its use to last resort non compliance ( which requires observation or an honor system) or remove it entirely. All teams would be equally "punished " 5 points for no civ injured so it's a level playing field.
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Post by SAS_Random »

Another concern personally is that Id like my son to partner with me. Can we remove the single player per IP restriction for the tournament?
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Post by sander »

[quote=""SAS_Random""]Another concern personally is that Id like my son to partner with me. Can we remove the single player per IP restriction for the tournament?[/quote]

Yes this should be possible i haven't had any conversation with keeries about the servers for the tournament yet. but in my view this should be allowed.
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Post by deki32 »

Sounds really interesting.Let's see if more people will join in.This has potential to be something special and could set a standard for SOG tournaments in the future ;) .Is this tournament specific to vanilla or Stechkov? Cheers
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Post by KeeRIeS »

[quote=""Ninwes""]One thing punchin a civ hurts it and can kill it if it's already hurt.[/quote]

Penalties caused by hurting or even killing suspects by punching them will be ignored in final result in such case :)

[quote=""deki32""]Sounds really interesting.Let's see if more people will join in.This has potential to be something special and could set a standard for SOG tournaments in the future ;) .Is this tournament specific to vanilla or Stechkov? Cheers[/quote]

Probably mixed as I'd like to see some custom maps to be played in tournament.

[quote=""SAS_Random""]Another concern personally is that Id like my son to partner with me. Can we remove the single player per IP restriction for the tournament?[/quote]

If only it is technically possible, you can successfully sign up as a team with your son, you can also both sign up in category SOLO to also competite with each other :) In such case, voice confirmation of your identity would be helpful I think. Also you need to remember that every player of team has to be active Forum Member (more info about what that exactly means you can find in the signups thread)
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