As SOG has been working pretty well nowadays, especially I have met many of you on our SOG servers almost every evening, there came an idea to my mind. I mean it has been coming to my mind for quite long time but now, as you're reading this short introduction to the main content of this post, the idea has grown up and now has even got its own moustache... So here I am at the end of this intro to present this idea, that will hopefully succeed being something great, something special and it will become high standard for next |SOG| tournaments in future. Argh, it was supposed to be a secret... So now I can say:
The tournament will be divided into 3 categories:
- Teams of 2 players (LL EQ only)
- Teams of 3 players (Lethal EQ only)
a) SOLO category
In this category players can take whatever equipment they want.
b) Teams of 2 (max.) - Less Lethal
Every of the two players has to have only Less Lethal Primary and Secondary, which means pepperball or Less-lethal shotgun as primary weapon and taser as secondary weapon. The tactical EQ is up to the team's leader.
Only 1 player per a team is allowed to equip Optiwand.
c) Teams of 3 (max.) - Lethal
Disallowed EQ is: grenade launchers, pepperspray, Less-lethal shotgun, pepperball, taser, c2.
Players are allowed to take anything not mentioned as disallowed.
Only 1 player per a team is allowed to equip Optiwand.
Note: In every category the team can consist of maximum 1, 2 or 3 players but there is no minimum number of team members for any category, which means for example: you can register a team of 1 player in C category [Teams of 3 (max.)]
There will be 3 maps per a team played in every category (applies to SOLO category, too)
a) SOLO category
- Map from |SOG| Custom Maps Pack - weight of 2,0 played on TSS
MAP 1: Creepy Hotel
- Map from SWAT4 TSS - weight of 1,75 played on TSS
MAP 2: Sisters of Mercy Hostel
- Map from SWAT4 Vanilla - weight of 1,5 played on Vanilla
MAP 3: Old Granite Hotel
Maximum score: 525
b) Teams of 2 (max.) - Less Lethal
- Map from |SOG| Custom Maps Pack - weight of 2,0 played on TSS
Map 1: Genovese&Feinbloom
- Map from |SOG| Custom Maps Pack - weight of 2,0 played on TSS
Map 2: Art Center 1.0
- Map from SWAT4 Vanilla - weight of 1,25 played on Vanilla
Map 3: St. Michael's Medical Center
Maximum score: 525
- Map from |SOG| Custom Maps Pack - weight of 1,5 played on TSS
Map 1: Carvale Community Hospital
- Map from |SOG| Custom Maps Pack - weight of 2,0 played on TSS
Map 2: New Library
- Map from SWAT4 TSS - weight of 1,75 played on TSS
Map 3: Stetchkov Warehouse
Maximum score: 525
In every category the final score is the score gained on each of 3 played maps. In case there are more than one player/team with the same score, time needed to end a map decides which player/team wins.
NEW! Note: In case of civilians or suspects that are hardly complaining, melee attacks is allowed. This applies especially to the 'Teams of 3 (max.) - Lethal" category, as tasers and pepper sprays are disallowed. In case of civilian or suspect being hurt or (in an extreme situation) killed, the penalty points will not be included to the final result. The Leader and Referee should then pay even more attention to taking a correct screenshot of final result that will include proper note in chatlog explaining the penalty score.
The tournament is free from any fees,. It is played only just for fun, so there is no money/gift card prizes. However, to encourage you to take a part and to do your best, we offer you a special forum rank for the winners of every category. Moreover, in case a player wins every category of tournament they will have the rank of Master of |SOG|Tournament Spring 2018
How to sign up for the tournament?
To register your team, you simply have to post a comment to this thread using a template posted underneath. Adding a few teams you can simply place them in one comment adding a few lines break between each.
Code: Select all
[color=#ff0000][b]Name of the team:[/b][/color] NAME OF YOUR TEAM
[color=#ff0000][b]Category:[/b][/color] Choose category (A,B or C) in which you want to register your team (Note: you have to post a comment for every category separately)
[color=#ff0000][b]List of team members:[/b][/color]
[*]Name 1 - LEADER
[*]Name 2 (optionally in B and C Category)
[*]Name 3 (optionally in C Category)