Launch of

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Launch of

Post by Matt »

Hello & Welcome to Special Operations Group!

Since our revival back at the start of this year, we are happy to announce we have reclaimed our old domain in addition to our host domain

Thank to our community for sticking with us after all these years, and particularly for visiting our website and game servers.

We are continuing to grow in the SWAT4 scene, and quickly becoming the most active and largest presence in this dated game. We however could not do this without YOU; our members and visitors.

Our aim going forward is to become the ONLY destination for CO-OP in SWAT 4 and the largest active presence in the game. This is fast becoming a reality thanks to our stricter than most servers, that now promote and enforce serious gamers. Coming soon, we will be adding a non-lethal server in both vanilla and TSS, to help our gamers utilise their skills.

Lastly, our long term goal is hoping the success of READY OR NOT; (a much anticipated sequel to SWAT 4) is our platform to launching the community into the modern world, and become established in this territory from the offset.

So in summary, much excitement is coming in our community, and this starts today with both our domians and back in operation like they once were in 2006.

Thank you,

Group Founder