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Post by Orion »

When you clearing room you do not know whos civi and whos terrorist and that is why you cuff everyone inside room. To make them comply sometimes you have to use little bit of force and thats where I think players using punches on civis and not after he/she got cuffed
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Post by Ninwes »

[quote=""Orion""]When you clearing room you do not know whos civi and whos terrorist and that is why you cuff everyone inside room. To make them comply sometimes you have to use little bit of force and thats where I think players using punches on civis and not after he/she got cuffed[/quote]

That's actually a untrue fact, you can see the differences at most times.

On custom maps i would have to say you can't see teh diffence at times, punching a civ is always chance you neutralise/incacipate it, so it's not allowed.
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Post by Orion »

Oh sorry I said it incorrectly. As in real life situation and in game its actually implemented, that you cant see/dont know the difference and this is why you cuff them all )))

So the question is why you cant force to make unknown person to comply? Leaving him behind uncuffed just becasue he said that he lost way to the toilet and in next second putting bullet in your head as you turn your back
Last edited by Orion on Wed Jul 04, 2018 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ninwes »

[quote=""Orion""]Oh sorry I said it incorrectly. As in real life situation and in game its actually implemented, that you cant see/dont know the difference and this is why you cuff them all )))

So the question is why you cant force to make unknown person to comply? Leaving him behind uncuffed just becasue he said that he lost way to the toilet and in next second putting bullet in your head as you turn your back[/quote]
In real life situation if you hit a civilian you get sued, even pepering make them sue you, especially in this day and age.

But Swat 4 is not real life and you can easily take a pepperspray or ask someone else to pepperspray the civilian, no one said anything about leaving him uncuffed.
If you wanna hit them go ahead on your own risk if he goes down and dies or if a admin sees it, it is in he's right to confront you on it.
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Post by Orion »

What I meant is that as police officer not necessary punch people on streets but make them comply using basic techniques from grapling or BJJ. In game it is implemented as punching. I dont think that punching can do more harm than beanbag shotgun been shot in legs arms or even head and yet its allowed here. So coming back to point as why cant people punch other people to make them comply without using extra equipment is still unclear for me. Game give you that option so why not use it? Could it be that reason is in impossible to config Jess that it will detect 'hit' before and after cuffs been applied?
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Post by SAS_Random »

[quote=""Ninwes""]In real life situation if you hit a civilian you get sued, even pepering make them sue you, especially in this day and age.


False. You are far less likely to lose a lawsuit from the physical use of force than through the use of special equipment. The punch / shove / grapple is allowed and the most easily defended in court. I have been to court numerous times and I've never had to worry because I always use physical force before using special equipment.

If they don't comply, you force their compliance. The closest thing the game has to a shove, is the melee / punch.

It's actually the level of force that is BEFORE using pepper spray or a taser is authorized. It's the taser and the pepper spray that would get you sued if you didn't attempt other means to gain compliance. If I used pepper spray or a taser on an unarmed civilian--that would be the lawsuit most difficult to defend.

If I was physically outmatched, I could use my baton as a lever and not a striking weapon, get the person into a submission hold until I could get back up or a civilian to help me sit on him and get the cuffs on. If he started to break free from the hold, then the pepper spray is nice to refocus the suspect on other problems.
Last edited by SAS_Random on Wed Jul 04, 2018 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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