Old Clan Redirects

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Old Clan Redirects

Post by Matt »

Hi all

A new initiative has launched today new for 2019.

We will now be actively looking to take over ownership of old clan websites of clans or communities that have since disbanded, but were popular names within the game they were part of.

The purpose of this is to ensure we keep the SWAT 4 community active (allowing all previous gamers to have a home at SOG), and allow us to further build our own community name. We can do this by using ex-popular & well established SWAT 4 clans that have disbanded and were similar to us in values. This has three main direct benefits to SOG;

Builds better traffic into our website & community from many users that once were part of or members of the disbanded clan.

Builds the SOG name within the gaming community; allows us to become more popular than we were before.

Direct financial benefit to reduce need for donations should the ex clan or community wish to revive their website like we did last year. We can sell the rights to the domain name back to them at a small profit. (Should you get any such interest, please refer them to Matt).

Please therefore let me know if there are any other old clans that we can look into owning their previous website for this cause. Please post below the web address and clan name, along with history, current status & relevant info.

Please note; we will NOT take over websites of active clans within the game.
Please note; we will consider the cost of the domain buy out vs benefit in every case. We will not entertain buying domains that are over £10 in value for a year. This is for the obvious reason of SOG funding comes first ie. website etc

An example of the benefit of this tactic is as below. The current domains we own as an example are valued should we wish to sell them. All we would do is list the domain for sale, and should someone want to buy it, we would get the revenue. Obviously we will not be selling sog-team.co.uk as this is our home so this is excluded.


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Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:18 am

Post by Matt »

Some of you may remember a clan that used to exist back in the SWAT 4 prime time; -FP- or {FP}; Frosty's Playhouse.

The clan founded by Frosty was in service from 2008 until 2017 and closed its SWAT 4 coop servers about this time.

We have recently had a few ex-members register here and some apply.

I wanted to let you know that the old -FP- website now redirects to SOG.

http://www.frostysplayhouse.net should redirect users to a holding page on our website which you can directly access below


The holding page is designed to look exactly like that of the old clan when alive, but link to our website in all instances.
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