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Post by Orion »

Latest news! If someone didnt know about Vive Index. You can order one from yesterday. Not gonna say im a VR enthusiast but own HTC Vive for over 2 years now. Bought it as soon as it was available here and was also one of the first people who got it in Estonia. Sooner or later gonna move up and get Index If you think that its madness and VR is not worth money it costs. You might be right... But for me it was worth every cent. Im in 3-4 days in a week for a couple of hours. After work, before work, weekends. I hooked all my family and they love it. Asking to play as soon as they come to my place :)
1000 euros for headset is too much? I know at least 2 of my friends who buying each year new Iphone for same price. Yes its shows your status in society. But people feel negative about it before even try VR.

Todays VR headsets are in different types and in different price tags vive le progrès. I bet anyone can find suited one for him. Im not saying you have to buy it But hoping if someone owns one. There are lot of great coop games right now and more coming in the future.

Oh and here is a video that motivated me to write


Please ask any question about VR got more then enough experience ( Atleast thinking I em :) )

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Post by KeeRIeS »


Well, pretty interesting, especially as I'm in the group who pays much for such new technologies like iPhones, iPads and Apple Watch 4 (still waiting for my mobile service provider to start eSIM functionality :( ) .

So first of all I fully understood the part about buying it as soon as it was available in your country :D I'm still one of the first in Poland who has ECG functionality working on my Apple Watch, as I just had a trip to Berlin, Germany so it made it working with the ECG and it still works, even though its still unavailable in Poland...

However, after this pretty long intro, I would like to ask you what are you using this VR gogle for? I mean, I of course saw the VR version of porn movies, but you say you got all your family using it with you, so I would probably assume there is also another purpose and activity you can use it for :D

I have personally met this thing once on a music festival where it was one of activities in a cigarettes tent. To get the cigarettes you had to try the animation with VR flying. They were very first steps of the VR so all the graphics were rather Super Mario - like, or Minecraftish... Maybe if you have PC machine that NASA uses, it allows you to have HD graphics all around you in the 360^ mode...

So what are the things you do with your VR?

Paying 1000$ to have the 360^ porn... I wanted to write it's pointless when you can have girlfriend, but in one moment I just started thinking it could be interesting experience :D But would got bored easily probably :P

Best regards! :D
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Post by Orion »


Well, pretty interesting, especially as I'm in the group who pays much for such new technologies like iPhones, iPads and Apple Watch 4 (still waiting for my mobile service provider to start eSIM functionality :( ) .

So first of all I fully understood the part about buying it as soon as it was available in your country :D I'm still one of the first in Poland who has ECG functionality working on my Apple Watch, as I just had a trip to Berlin, Germany so it made it working with the ECG and it still works, even though its still unavailable in Poland...

However, after this pretty long intro, I would like to ask you what are you using this VR gogle for? I mean, I of course saw the VR version of porn movies, but you say you got all your family using it with you, so I would probably assume there is also another purpose and activity you can use it for :D

I have personally met this thing once on a music festival where it was one of activities in a cigarettes tent. To get the cigarettes you had to try the animation with VR flying. They were very first steps of the VR so all the graphics were rather Super Mario - like, or Minecraftish... Maybe if you have PC machine that NASA uses, it allows you to have HD graphics all around you in the 360^ mode...

So what are the things you do with your VR?

Paying 1000$ to have the 360^ porn... I wanted to write it's pointless when you can have girlfriend, but in one moment I just started thinking it could be interesting experience :D But would got bored easily probably :P

Best regards! :D [/quote]

Ouch... that hurts :) But love your reaction on Iphones :D Changed whole tone of your message. You clearly ignoring the potential of VR. You would know if you would stand for technology that will benefit for us as humanz. But im not here of saying you doing bad job on what you do :D

Less talk, here are videos for some people to realise. As words sometimes cant send massage

Lone echo

and many many others to come but it not ends at games. We used VR for making engineering easyer for blueprints and final looks of products
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3kS5UVw_q0 ( example )

Also VR is great for painting in 3d. That adds a lot for people who expressing them selves thru drawing


I just gave few examples here but you can find all kind of activitys in VR. What about veterans with PTSD. Introverts with sickness of social activitys, games like VRchat and alike apps helps those people in their lives

As you see it doesnt end at only porn Keeries :p
Last edited by Orion on Fri May 03, 2019 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KeeRIeS »

[quote=""Orion""]As you see it doesnt end at only porn Keeries :p [/quote]

Well, for me it could :D

And to be more serious, it's not that I dont like the idea of VR revolution. It would probably be a very good tool and environment for many people, like trainings for army and so on. Probably even in my profession, giving a chance to the students or young doctors to train surgeries in the VR would be good idea. However, my point was that for a 'normal' person, like for private usage you mainly have a nice toy for 1-2 hours to check out how funny it feels when you can see everything just like you were flying. In fact, I cant imagine that everyone here has it's own pro equipment that allows you to walk - they probably made some kind of moving floor that allows you to walk with VR and not to go to your neighbour's place... or a wall. However watching porn is teh functionality that doesn't require that you keep walking around (well, at least if you're not a walking fetishist :D )

Another problem is the cost of it. If I had a free 1000$ I would probably find many other things I would buy before I bought VR, i.e. the newest iPhone that I already have. But I would probably buy another one just to record video with an iPhone where I record video with an iPhone and have it all in 4K :D

But the truth is, for the money that I would have to spent on all graphics system and processor to have all the VR working in high resolution, I might buy 10 iPhones and I would be able to record video where I record video of me recording video of the fact that I'm recording video, ..., with the 10 iPhones :D I would then sell one of them and I would buy apple watch to have the preview from the last iPhone, so I would record a video of me watching the preview of the video where I record video with my iPhone of me recording with the iPhone - and it all be visible on the apple watch :D

That's just humoristic way to tell you, it's not the time for VR yet. Probably in a few years - it will rule the world, but for now it's for enthusiastics of this thing. It's too expensive considering the ways you can use it now and the graphics you can have. It might probably start being developed to universities, army and so on. The private usage will probably get more common in the coming years. But to be honest, the cost 1000$ for the gogles is just a part of the whole cash you would spend on it to have it working good enough. It needs to get more popular so the price will go down. Also it needs the PC compartments to get cheaper - the boards and graphic cards that will really do the job for 360^ HD resolution at least. Not mentioning to have it all in the quality of 4K all around you, wherever you look with the VR :)
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Post by Orion »

[quote=""KeeRIeS""]Well, for me it could :D

And to be more serious, it's not that I dont like the idea of VR revolution. It would probably be a very good tool and environment for many people, like trainings for army and so on. Probably even in my profession, giving a chance to the students or young doctors to train surgeries in the VR would be good idea. However, my point was that for a 'normal' person, like for private usage you mainly have a nice toy for 1-2 hours to check out how funny it feels when you can see everything just like you were flying. In fact, I cant imagine that everyone here has it's own pro equipment that allows you to walk - they probably made some kind of moving floor that allows you to walk with VR and not to go to your neighbour's place... or a wall. However watching porn is teh functionality that doesn't require that you keep walking around (well, at least if you're not a walking fetishist :D )

Another problem is the cost of it. If I had a free 1000$ I would probably find many other things I would buy before I bought VR, i.e. the newest iPhone that I already have. But I would probably buy another one just to record video with an iPhone where I record video with an iPhone and have it all in 4K :D

But the truth is, for the money that I would have to spent on all graphics system and processor to have all the VR working in high resolution, I might buy 10 iPhones and I would be able to record video where I record video of me recording video of the fact that I'm recording video, ..., with the 10 iPhones :D I would then sell one of them and I would buy apple watch to have the preview from the last iPhone, so I would record a video of me watching the preview of the video where I record video with my iPhone of me recording with the iPhone - and it all be visible on the apple watch :D

That's just humoristic way to tell you, it's not the time for VR yet. Probably in a few years - it will rule the world, but for now it's for enthusiastics of this thing. It's too expensive considering the ways you can use it now and the graphics you can have. It might probably start being developed to universities, army and so on. The private usage will probably get more common in the coming years. But to be honest, the cost 1000$ for the gogles is just a part of the whole cash you would spend on it to have it working good enough. It needs to get more popular so the price will go down. Also it needs the PC compartments to get cheaper - the boards and graphic cards that will really do the job for 360^ HD resolution at least. Not mentioning to have it all in the quality of 4K all around you, wherever you look with the VR :) [/quote]

[quote=""KeeRIeS""]my point was that for a 'normal' person, like for private usage you mainly have a nice toy for 1-2 hours to check out how funny it feels when you can see everything just like you were flying. In fact, I cant imagine that everyone here has it's own pro equipment that allows you to walk - they probably made some kind of moving floor that allows you to walk with VR and not to go to your neighbour's place... or a wall. However watching porn is teh functionality that doesn't require that you keep walking around (well, at least if you're not a walking fetishist ) [/quote]

Sorry! but what the hell are you talking about?
'Normal' person? Nice toy for 1-2 hour? Funny feeling?Pro equipment? And ofcourse your favorite... porn!?

I made that thread to ask people if someone is at least somehow interested in it, so we could talk about. But definitely not made this for arguing with someones opinion. Who is not even interested in it.
And dont say its not the time for vr. When its then? Or you think something happening just in one moment of time? Its surly step by step progress. And looking where VR is now with its prices and content for it. It is a very good looking alternative for gamers and not only for them

There is one good word that can describe the need of people to buy VR and it is 'immersion'

Keeries im really tired of your nonsense so please stop posting in that manner as it really does not coming enywhere. Your point is clear and im trying hard to respect you after all that but unless you have nothing to post here that will benefit to continue interesting talk about VR. Dont respond Thank you
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Post by Ninwes »

[quote=""Orion""]Sorry! but what the hell are you talking about?
'Normal' person? Nice toy for 1-2 hour? Funny feeling?Pro equipment? And ofcourse your favorite... porn!?

I made that thread to ask people if someone is at least somehow interested in it, so we could talk about. But definitely not made this for arguing with someones opinion. Who is not even interested in it.
And dont say its not the time for vr. When its then? Or you think something happening just in one moment of time? Its surly step by step progress. And looking where VR is now with its prices and content for it. It is a very good looking alternative for gamers and not only for them

There is one good word that can describe the need of people to buy VR and it is 'immersion'

Keeries im really tired of your nonsense so please stop posting in that manner as it really does not coming enywhere. Your point is clear and im trying hard to respect you after all that but unless you have nothing to post here that will benefit to continue interesting talk about VR. Dont respond Thank you[/quote]
Arguing is part of the internet where the treath is open to anyway who can post and everyone has a right to there own opinion when posting in forums/blogs/... .

@Threath: Iv'e been looking at the progresion of VR in games from the beginning where it's basic to now and it does went fast improved as you have now fall out 4 and skyrim VR, and there are more games comming out that look promising in VR, so the time is actually now to get into it, the only problem that's stopping me is the cost of the VR glasses to get into it, if the prices goes down i will be more inclined to actually get into it.

@Keeries: you don't actually need the walking platform everytime some vr games you move the character with the arrow on your controller/gun/... as not everyone has enough space to put it, the platform is ussually used in game schows or like the new games they have where you are in a VR world and you need to try to escape, i think it's called escape room or something.
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Post by Orion »

[quote=""Ninwes""]Arguing is part of the internet where the treath is open to anyway who can post and everyone has a right to there own opinion when posting in forums/blogs/... .

@Threath: Iv'e been looking at the progresion of VR in games from the beginning where it's basic to now and it does went fast improved as you have now fall out 4 and skyrim VR, and there are more games comming out that look promising in VR, so the time is actually now to get into it, the only problem that's stopping me is the cost of the VR glasses to get into it, if the prices goes down i will be more inclined to actually get into it.

@Keeries: you don't actually need the walking platform everytime some vr games you move the character with the arrow on your controller/gun/... as not everyone has enough space to put it, the platform is ussually used in game schows or like the new games they have where you are in a VR world and you need to try to escape, i think it's called escape room or something.[/quote]

You are right in case of free speech on internet. But having interesting conversation on specific topic might overcome the very negative and in some cases offensive dialog. Dont you think so? Specially knowing this community for ages I had other thoughts about people here.

Now its very pleasant for me to realise there are people who keep tracking about this things and knowing what they talking :)

In depth of VR as I said before there are different types of VR and price tags. If you think that Vive Index is too expensive. There are also cheaper but non less better or equal in resolution quality headset. Like Oculus S, Oculus Quest, Vive Original, Vive Pro ( that is with better resolution than original ). For example Oculus Quest was 400 euros here. What is way better price, right? Its ofc depends on shops in different areas.
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Post by Ninwes »

[quote=""Orion""]You are right in case of free speech on internet. But having interesting conversation on specific topic might overcome the very negative and in some cases offensive dialog. Dont you think so? Specially knowing this community for ages I had other thoughts about people here.

Now its very pleasant for me to realise there are people who keep tracking about this things and knowing what they talking :)

In depth of VR as I said before there are different types of VR and price tags. If you think that Vive Index is too expensive. There are also cheaper but non less better or equal in resolution quality headset. Like Oculus S, Oculus Quest, Vive Original, Vive Pro ( that is with better resolution than original ). For example Oculus Quest was 400 euros here. What is way better price, right? Its ofc depends on shops in different areas.[/quote]

Yeah here are some of 299euro but i do not think it's gonna be any good, so i just need to wait a bit longer before goin into it as 400euros is still too much for the little games i have at the moment, but it is something on my wishlist ;)
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Post by Matt »

I really want to try the PS4 VR headset. My friend tells me it is a real experience and the games there are good too. My wish list also.

The Batman Arkham VR I played, wow I thought it would be boring. It is really good. Short story, but love feeling like I am the Batman himself. You can really get into it.

What other games have you played Orion?
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Post by Orion »

For pleasant experience I would highly advice Vive. It has best tracking response with its base stations. Full 360 tracking while Rift got 2 cameras that hard to adjust as they on stands. Some dont like the trackers/controllers of Vive for their shape.

Oh yes! Batman is a great experience. I wish they made full length game like that :)

Skyrim VR- Its such an adventure and the immersion into story and action
( This is must have and my personal favourite )


Hot dogs, hand grenades and horse shoes - Shooting range with complicated gun mechanics. Single player but have a lot of different game modes including AI


Onward - Pvp, coop game


The Talos principle- puzzle game with very deep and interesting story and puzzles coming as bonus meanwhile


Beat Saber- arcade saber game with music. Adding custom songs makes it must have for music lovers


Will add more game titles as soon as come back home
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