Hello 2020!

Announcements from our group management
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Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:18 am

Hello 2020!

Post by Matt »

Hi & welcome to Sog-team.co.uk

Firstly may I start by thanking all our members past and present. Without you and your contributions to this community, I doubt we would ever be still here today in 2020. Thank you so much, we are all very grateful!

Another year, and it is great to see so many of our team still here and visiting our website. It has been two years since we returned to the web and our rightful place in the SWAT 4 world.

2019 saw a very quiet and static year for us. SWAT 4 interest freshly renewed since we returned after a 8 year break, started to dwindle and fade. Many members and visitors who returned to this great community have left us once more or become less frequent visitors. Sad times indeed, but in reality much expected without fresh gaming interests or something new to keep people at this community.

I guess my new year message this year centres around the inner strength and resiliance this community has shown since being founded. A prime example of that being a huge success in 2018 when community members flooded back after 8 whole years. No other SWAT 4 communuity has managed to so successfully return to a dated game and survived like we have. Congratulations.... we made history indeed.

With this in mind, reality says I expect our community to be quiet again for the first half of this year. SWAT 4 is still our only game with servers and our heritage has served us well until this point. However our main function of remaning here for nostalgia is unsustainable long term... we have to adapt. The lifeline we are looking for exists in the hopes for Ready or Not. We intend to support this game fully from the offset of the fall 2020. In the meantime, member support is required to prepare us for this move.....

Keep on visiting, thank you and lets look forward to a BIG second half of this year with the launch of Ready or Not....

If you would like more infomation on our plans and how you can help, please see the below announcement.


Once again, thank you for being apart of Special Operations Group.

Group Founder