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Post by Eico »

Heya mates! So long since last time we saw each other! I’ So glad to have news from you all again
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Post by SpyInBlack »

Good to see you mate. How you been doing?
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Post by KeeRIeS »

Good to see this happening. I hope it will succeed and I will of course let know those who I'm still in contact with, to also have my influence here! So be ready! Thousands are cooooooooomiiiiiing!*

*or maybe just a few of them but still: be reeeeeeaaaaaaadyyyyyyy! :)

BTW. Posted an information on our '|SOG| and Friends' Facebook group - hope this will let them know :)
Last edited by KeeRIeS on Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DOC »

Oh god.. I was searching for SOG site for long ago. Good to have SOG back to live! We used X-fire in the dark ages, am I right?
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Post by SpyInBlack »

Yea... Too bad X Fire shut down.

I imagine most of us got steam today. We made a sog steam group, so you can join there if you want.

Every bit helps.
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Post by DOC »

I do remember that we have had some sort of Unit in SOG, and I was part of it with Hellraizer and other folks. Anyone got contact to them? It would be cool to make it happen again!
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Post by Matt »

[quote=""Eico""]Heya mates! So long since last time we saw each other! I’ So glad to have news from you all again[/quote]

Welcome mate, how are you? So good to see you!!!!

[quote=""DOC""]Oh god.. I was searching for SOG site for long ago. Good to have SOG back to live! We used X-fire in the dark ages, am I right?[/quote]

Great to have it back eh? And see so many friends!!!!
Loved xfire... now its dead sadly!
[quote=""DOC""]I do remember that we have had some sort of Unit in SOG, and I was part of it with Hellraizer and other folks. Anyone got contact to them? It would be cool to make it happen again![/quote]

Everyone has been contacted that we know for the reunion. Keep the word going out folks, hopefully everyone can make it back!
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Post by Biodome »

What a pleasant surprise to see the page back up and running again! I must admit I had lost all hope after it went silent in 2012. Occasional meetups with former members on random SWAT 4 servers was the best I could have hoped for until now :D

It was so long ago that I don't even remember when I joined the forums. Probably around 2010ish, I would guess. Still, I can recall all of your names, and I vaguely remember some of the fun stuff we did in-game :D
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Post by Matt »

[quote=""Biodome""]What a pleasant surprise to see the page back up and running again! I must admit I had lost all hope after it went silent in 2012. Occasional meetups with former members on random SWAT 4 servers was the best I could have hoped for until now :D

It was so long ago that I don't even remember when I joined the forums. Probably around 2010ish, I would guess. Still, I can recall all of your names, and I vaguely remember some of the fun stuff we did in-game :D [/quote]

Good to have you back!!!

I know it feels like an eternity doesnt it?

Still now seeing everyone again, feels like only yesterday!

Welcome, and hope you can stick around!
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Post by Biodome »

[quote=""Matt""]Welcome, and hope you can stick around![/quote]

I'll definitely be around here now that the forums are back. Hopefully, we can get everyone back into the habit of playing SWAT again. It will certainly feel like 2012 was just yesterday :D