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Posts: 860
Joined: Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:18 am


Post by Matt »

Hello & welcome back to Special Operations Group!

What can I say.... this is totally amazing. I am really shocked, surprised and thankful for the reunion so far.

Sunday 28th January 2018 was the day we came back to the gaming scene and the website http://www.sog-team.co.uk after around 8 years of total inactivity.

If you are new here and not registered, please do so. Our team would love to welcome you to our community. Whether you are a new visitor or a returned member from before, we wish to welcome you with open arms into our community of tactical gamers & friendly faces.

For those already here and back with us, I just want to say THANK YOU. I missed my dear friends over the last many years of inactivity and while SOG was disbanded. You guys are fantastic people, people I always have fond memories of. We were a big family of like minded gamers, and like any family, have come back together in a flash with immense support for our rebirth.

Therefore, this thread is a dedication to our friends past and present. Without you, Special Operations Group would not exist and be as popular as it still is today many years on in 2018.

Lastly one request....

I ask everyone with contact with other members and friends of the past, to contact them and inform them of our rebirth. Please do invite them back for the reunion regardless of whether they wish to join the Sog-team or not. I am sure you will agree, having everyone back here would be just the best reunion ever, and a pure honour.

We still have many old friends yet to be informed or contacted, and your help will be invaluable.

In the meantime, we will continue our growth. We have Discord, a near fully functioning website, many members again, and lastly working on game servers (that should be available soon).

Keep in touch, and thank you again for your dedication, commitment and support.


Group Founder