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Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:06 pm
by SAS_Random
If I play a dozen maps, I probably take down 2-3 of the 14-15 suspects. Of those 2-3 that I drop, 1-2 is incapacitated and 1-2 is neutralised. About every other round, the game gets one of those situations wrong for a number of reasons. So about every 10-12 maps, I'll be accumulating enough points to be kicked.

It gets more frequent when there are players using LTL shotguns or pepper balls, because if I shoot suspect that was also hit with a pepperball and drop him, the game finds the action of incapacitating him as wrong even though I made the same decision the pepperball shooter did at the exact same time he did. The game considers him under the influence of pepper balls and should not be shot.

I also don't drop runners...I shoot them once in the leg so I can catch up to them and beat the crap out of them ;-)

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:12 pm
by Matt
[quote=""SAS_Random""]If I play a dozen maps, I probably take down 2-3 of the 14-15 suspects. Of those 2-3 that I drop, 1-2 is incapacitated and 1-2 is neutralised. About every other round, the game gets one of those situations wrong for a number of reasons. So about every 10-12 maps, I'll be accumulating enough points to be kicked.

It gets more frequent when there are players using LTL shotguns or pepper balls, because if I shoot suspect that was also hit with a pepperball and drop him, the game finds the action of incapacitating him as wrong even though I made the same decision the pepperball shooter did at the exact same time he did. The game considers him under the influence of pepper balls and should not be shot.

I also don't drop runners...I shoot them once in the leg so I can catch up to them and beat the crap out of them ;-) [/quote]

Not doubting you but the stats speak for themselves mate.... if this was truly a global problem, why have 76% of players so far not received any penalty points? They surely shoot suspects too?

Let's take Columbo for an example (sorry Columbo). Looking at the stats so far, he has played roughly 4hrs today. He has not accumulated any points but has neutralised nearly a dozen suspects.

I am not denying your logic above, far from it. I agree totally that this happens. The answer is to buck the trend. If you are getting points other players are not, this ultimately means you are shooting too many suspects too freely, regardless of the he said, she said, he did, she did, this happened, that happened....

Must say though, the non lethal thing you mention.... don't get it. If I see a player shoot a suspect with the pepper gun, I don't shoot the suspect. If it is a reflex shot, I usually stop firing immediately resulting in the suspect being injured but generally not incapacitated. This doesn't always happen granted, but I guess I must just have less of an itchy trigger finger than others perhaps...

We will review the tolerance levels, but in line with the status quo... hence why this is a beta

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:28 pm
by KeeRIeS
I would take under consideration not counting the unauthorized shooting as the penalties for auto-warns and/or kicks/temp bans. As far as Jessica is only Jessica, she can't know if the shooting was just a mistake or on purpose. As far as shooting civilians or teammembers is much often on purpose and those rule violations are usually more serious. However, shooting unauthorized is more like a mistake, game bug or just depends on the time of reaction, while the suspect stops aiming and starts running just before the player shoots.

Shooting unauthorized should be rather a violations penalized by human being who can judge if the shooting is on purpose or not. Even if the player gets not so many points for such violation, they damage the statistics but also can cause a kick or temp ban for players playing like 10 maps in one session, just like Random mentioned.

I had opportunities to experience the 'suspects changing their mind so fast' and get the penalties for nothing to be honest. Also, I've seen some players getting those penalties in such cases.

To sum up, I am totally happy for Jessica taking action in case of killing civilians or teamkilling (would also be good to have her reacting on teamspray or teamshoot like with LL weapons as those are the main things done by really bad players - I know this is a way harder to do as the chatlogs doesn't show that). However there are still some rule violations that really requires Admins with eyes and human brain and can't be penalized by any automated bot. There are still some parts when an active admin is needed and maybe rather some 'admin calling system' would be better than Jessica - at least in some cases.

Best regards,

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:36 am
by Demon speed
Well, like Keeries said. Penalties for unauthorized are not precise. Most my unauthorized are due killing suspect while is behide cover or even partly but still aim player - suspect can instant lean any time but killing him is treat as not aiming player - unauthozied. I shot first cuz i know they hell fast when leaning. someone must go down, bugged suspect or me. If i get kick points for that then its would be greatly unfair.

For next days gonna play check it. I want to be sure how it's work in practic.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:45 am
by Matt
Based on feedback we will review this later and tweak the current actions taken.

The proposed changes will be for unauthorised kills only and the subsequent actions.

Will post back tonight.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:42 pm
by Matt


- Jessica (AdminBot) will now only kick players when admins are not present in the server.
- When admins are in the server, control will be handed back to the admins. Penalty points are still recorded and warnings will also be made.
- Players will not be kicked when admins are present, however if penalty points exceed 15, the AdminBot will intervene and force the player to use less lethal (unless the admin responds prior).

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:07 am
by Orion
- Player Suicide = 3 points each

Why this is a punishment? I dont know many players who join game and suicide so others do minute of silence :)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 12:46 pm
by Matt
[quote=""Orion""]- Player Suicide = 3 points each

Why this is a punishment? I dont know many players who join game and suicide so others do minute of silence :) [/quote]

Indeed but there is absolutely no reason for players to distrupt gameplay and suicide so it is therefore a rule violation

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 2:21 pm
by Orion
What I wanted to say is that theres none, even hardcore troll will do a suicide just for laughs. Suicides happens on mistakes and everyone do mistakes. And that mostly happens when there is a gas tank behind suspect. Flash/sting also can be the reason of suicide. You cant be safe from that in all scenarios. And yet you get almost same amount of punishment points as killing civi. Not like im defending crooked hands and dont think it happens that often. Just didnt get why its even a thing

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 4:09 pm
by Matt
[quote=""Orion""]What I wanted to say is that theres none, even hardcore troll will do a suicide just for laughs. Suicides happens on mistakes and everyone do mistakes. And that mostly happens when there is a gas tank behind suspect. Flash/sting also can be the reason of suicide. You cant be safe from that in all scenarios. And yet you get almost same amount of punishment points as killing civi. Not like im defending crooked hands and dont think it happens that often. Just didnt get why its even a thing[/quote]Agree that's why the tolerance allows 4 suicides before kick. It's simply a condition for the fact it shouldn't happen regardless of accident.

Maybe I'm missing the point? Some trolls do purposely suicide to end the round for whatever reason

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