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Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:25 pm
by Iron Tarkus
[quote=""Matt""]You need to go into your account at site, then look for the option server display in the settings.

Change this to disable. Done

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk[/quote]

Got it, thanks alot Matt!

Also, nice SM-G950F you're wielding. :eyebrows:

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 5:08 am
by SAS_Random
OK. I just crossed from 99 hrs 46 minutes over the 100 hr mark about an hour ago. Now I go back in and someone has removed 10 hours of experience from my account while leaving all the other top 5 accounts alone. Is this a conspiracy? Why were my hours removed? Please advise. Thank you.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 5:55 am
by Matt
[quote=""SAS_Random""]OK. I just crossed from 99 hrs 46 minutes over the 100 hr mark about an hour ago. Now I go back in and someone has removed 10 hours of experience from my account while leaving all the other top 5 accounts alone. Is this a conspiracy? Why were my hours removed? Please advise. Thank you.[/quote]Don't have a clue. It's totally automated. No possibility of anyone editing hours apart from Jessica. No one has access to do that.

I'll look into logs and manually calculate it to check what's going on.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 2:16 pm
by SAS_Random
I wouldn't be complaining if it wasn't 10 hrs. That's a lot of time to remove. For the last two days you can see in the server admin logs that my name has 95, 98, 99 hours and my name is listed above players with 93, and 95 hrs. Then, the moment I cross you are at 91. That's a big change.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 9:02 pm
by Matt
[quote=""SAS_Random""]I wouldn't be complaining if it wasn't 10 hrs. That's a lot of time to remove. For the last two days you can see in the server admin logs that my name has 95, 98, 99 hours and my name is listed above players with 93, and 95 hrs. Then, the moment I cross you are at 91. That's a big change.[/quote]

Well, just checked your profile here at site and it states you have 100hrs??? Last seen 15hrs ago which would mean you have not gamed since posting above. Therefore.. hate to say it but I think you may be going mad? :p

Jokes aside, I need to confirm again there is no way ANYONE at the site can change the statistics apart from me. However, even saying that, I have to do this via our database backend on the server hosting.

Therefore my conclusion is you have either read it wrong, or there is a bug in the system. However, if it was the latter, I doubt it as the code was changed a few months ago when a bug was actually found. The fix made was a simple counter instead of a complex calculation.... keep me posted and take screenshots next time please.... it is far easier to diagnose.

We have no interest or gain in manipulating statistics... there is not a magic gold prize on offer you know ;)

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 3:38 am
by SAS_Random
It's back over 100 now, and I didn't play 11 hrs today, so there is something going on with the counter that may require follow up--only in the most basic sense that, if it's not accurate, then why have it at all?

Deki told me there was a plastic trophy, so now I'm disappointed (j/k). I thought I was going to earn some nice |SOG| bling package.

I assure you the site and servers were both at 91 hrs and now they are both over 101 hrs. I played most of my time today on SEF North America and SEF EU with Columbo.

At any rate, it seems to be sorted.

Jessica...I'm watching you!!!

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 6:30 am
by Matt
Must be a bug then. I need further info to fix and screenshots prove helpful. Keep me posted

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 12:50 pm
by SAS_Random
[quote=""Matt""]Pretty much as follows;

Chief - over 100hrs
Deputy Chief - 80hrs
Commander - 40hrs
Captain - 20hrs
Lieutenant - 15hrs
Sergeant - 10hrs
Lead Officer - 5hrs[/quote]

Has this been changed to a higher total number of hours required? It does not seem to recognize Chief rank for those over 100. Deki still owes me a plastic trophy.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 4:40 pm
by Matt
[quote=""SAS_Random""]Has this been changed to a higher total number of hours required? It does not seem to recognize Chief rank for those over 100. Deki still owes me a plastic trophy.[/quote]Yes it has sorry. I will update the post.

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