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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:53 pm
by Bravo
Dear Friends !

Lethal or non lethal weapon to use is like Shakespeare's famous immortal question "To be or not to be ? We can also ask to survive or not survive ? If you want to survive the mission, you probably will take Suppressed MP5 or M4 in Treshold or Hotel and loaded magazine with FMJ ammo ! Yes everyone except pointer should do this in some specific way. I managed to start some scientic program based on specific Rambo's behavior ! I watched them and I saw one important thing. They were always thinking about how to finish fast the mission (looks how I was great and how strong hero I was) or how to survive (Look I shooted so many suspects) The point of view in this situation is, they never use non lethal weapons ! We are not like them, we are better ! We wants to be active, effective, plays with tactic skills and always be ready to save hostages. SWAT 4 is about how to get 100 points for release hostages, arrest suspect's or disable bombs ! That mean if you want to be very good in this game, you need to know two important things. First ask for a questions How capture and cuff sus or how release hostages ? Second How to survive and don't lost points for injury ? I think the best option to receive maximum points is use as many as possible non lethal weapon like for example Nova shootgun. This weapon is effective in the most maps and is good to do some actions like for example provide cover, force suspects to fast complain ! That's why I like it the most. I can receive points for a some non lethal shoots. In the shop I advise users to use also paintball rifles, as they're effective against non armored suspects ! For that maps I mostly using this kind of equip Nova when I am a pointer, two or three grenades cs ( there're don't make noise) , opti and wedge. For the missions where suspects using armours like Threshold, Hotel I try to use MP 5, two wedges, CS flash and opti

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 2:55 pm
by Pendy
Lethal all the way for me but i dont mind using LL if the leader wants me to.
I think LL is too easy for me but i guess every person is different and LL is buggy sometimes, like when you shoot them with the beanbag or taser sometimes it just doesnt work.
Imo i think its more of a challenge to go lethal but again everyone is different.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:36 pm
by Orion
[quote=""Selena""]Sounds smooth, but I wouldn't go that far. EL is the glue that keeps it going, and choosing different approaches gives game variety, so as EL I try to do different things, even if it is compromising.

My responsibility would be to try to find the best solutions to the issues that arise, and to reign players in and maybe give some risky orders to keep the players on their toes even though I know the layout and dangerous corners. The players need to feel a bit of a thrill too, and not just the mundane (trust me, in the past I would go with safe and mundane). I know I've gotten more triggerhappy over the years too.

I wish there was a mod that switched up enemy placement more. Making more roamers (seemingly individuals with things to do and not just standing in the same place for hours). But I suppose I could start playing those custom maps.

You need start playing VIP :) You will feel always on the edge with unpredictable enemies. Mode where fast thinking is needed and without team play is impossible to achieve the mission goal