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Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 7:00 pm
by Nicoleise
[quote=""Biodome""]Apparently, we had a Rage thread back in the old SOG forums, where we posted stuff that made us mad that day.[/quote]

We did! That thread was awesome! :D

In testing something with the servers, I was "forced" to solo a round of Victory Auto Imports. Went much better than expected - just a gun and TOC bug reducing my score.

After that, I solo'ed Red Library, and I was like "Impossible", but in fact that went incredibly well also, managed to cope with several insane situations, like a non-compliant suspect hiding "inside" a compliant suspect, needing lethal force. :D In the end though, I got shot in the servers room by a suspect who figured he could just ignore the CS gas and instantly kill me. :D

I don't know what makes me recognize the game more; the bugs or the gameplay! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:03 pm
by SAS_Random
There are several game play videos from SAS on youtube.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 11:30 am
by SAS_Random

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 8:16 pm
by Matt

there are many others if you want to visit youtube[/quote]

I have watched these videos and think they are very slick and organised in terms of what you guys clearly stood for. Watching it, the SAS would in the UK definitely operate like that.

I would however not endorse that gameplay from a SOG point of view. We dont play like the SAS (an elite army counter terrorism unit), we play like the Police.

Far less tactical, far less organised, far less thought into movements, stacking etc and with an aim of arresting suspects and using kills as a last resort after multiple chances to comply. In those videos I bet the penalties were crazy at the end. So many instances of unauthorised kills from a SWAT 4 game perspective.

I will always respect the SAS clan videos of gameplay. Lots to learn tactically wise from the posts and associated videos. However, it does not tick my boxes. I prefer to play the game as it was actually meant to be played trying to achieve the highest score possible. Thats just me. Arrests are my thing, taking time to clear the map.

Thanks for posting though, really useful insight. As I said, lots of really good tactical gameplay that many could learn from.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 9:12 pm
by SAS_Random