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The SWAT4 Reunion Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 10:51 pm
by Matt
So hard to believe but we are a fully functioning community again after just only two weeks of returning from the ashes....

It really is unbelievable and lucky how we managed to get most of the previous members of SOG back to the website for our reunion. Even more remarkable, the fact we have been gaming in servers again together (thanks sander).

Therefore, in light of this, would like to keep this thread for you to share memories of past and present... the rounds we have played with our friends.

It would be great to get this thread full of screenprints and comments, and dedicate it to the SOG revival...

Over to you folks....

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:56 pm
by Michael
I mentioned this on Discord to Matt, but with this reunion thread, I wonder how many remember Matt over teamspeak would play this crazy chicken sound. Of course while we were all in COOP or VIP randomly and it was hysterical and it definitely was a distraction but a very funny one. I don't know why it was so funny but it had me in tears from laughing so hard.

When I first started in |SOG| there was a really cool CL, Majid, I always referred to myself as one of the night shift members, as most of my SWAT 4 time and website time were while the majority of the group was already asleep. But not Majid, we he would be up really late (likely just really early for him) and we'd be on VIP a lot deliriously tired, but still wanting to keep playing more SWAT 4 a bit longer then the rest. One time I was telling him over TS how tired I was but I wanted to keep going, so he told me to just eat some raw sugar to keep going as it was definitely too late for coffee and it probably would have woke up my parents. So I did actually start eating some plain sugar with nothing else, it did give a little boost but not for very long lol. So many good time with Majid, I hope he finds his way back here.

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 9:35 pm
by Tyrope
[quote=""Michael""]I mentioned this on Discord to Matt, but with this reunion thread, I wonder how many remember Matt over teamspeak would play this crazy chicken sound. Of course while we were all in COOP or VIP randomly and it was hysterical and it definitely was a distraction but a very funny one. I don't know why it was so funny but it had me in tears from laughing so hard.[/quote]
OMG THE TS CHICKEN! I've only encountered it once but I had to sit out like, a solid 1.5 rounds of VIP to recuperate from the laughter.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 5:48 am
by TimC
Yeah I forgot about that! Good times.

I remember a few times where I killed the VIP while being on SWAT, and while it still happens occasionally, there were a few times if i remember correctly where on TS everyone would tell me to stay away form VIP lol. I think there might have been a couple times where someone like Wes would give me LL, before the admin mod was setup to do that automatically.

There are some other moments I remember playing other games as well and without SOG we would not have these memories to think back on. Good times! :)

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:31 pm
by Matt
The TS chicken is one of my favourite moments indeed. Jeez it was something else!

I do hope Majid comes back.... miss that guy