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Game Server Rules

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 3:48 pm
by Ninwes
General (These always apply):
  • Do not injure or kill teammates on purpose.
  • English is the only allowed language on servers.
  • Be respectful to others
  • Duplicate IP's are not allowed in our servers. E.g players gaming on the same network
  • Do not argue with administrators - file an appeal instead.
  • You are responsible for your own actions, regardless of circumstances. If others misbehave, don't go along with it. Instead, report them to SOG.
  • No spamming chat
  • No cheating, bug use or hacking
  • Swearing is allowed as long as you do not overdo it and if it's not redirected to another player
  • No advertisement is allowed without the prior, written permission of a Group Manager.

Cooperative Game Modes
  • Do not injure or kill compliant or cuffed suspects or civilians on purpose.
  • Play as a team, and follow the team leaders orders.
  • If a team leader is chosen, do not progress beyond the orders given.
  • No rambo gameplay or rushing (defined as not sticking with the team or following orders)
  • No suicides allowed - the round ends automatically after 3 minutes if TOC/guns remain outstanding
  • No team killing other players no matter what the situation. For players violating our rules, report them here instead of taking matters into your own hands.
  • Follow the ROE (Rules of engagement)
    1. Don't shoot on sight
    2. Don't shoot runners
    3. No Random Shooting (if it dangers the team)
    4. ...

VIP Escort Game Modes
  • Do not injure (as swat) or kill the VIP on purpose.
  • Do not disconnect on purpose, when you are VIP.
Priority Rules:
Rules that are noted in Orange are priority rules and cancels another rule what is allowed (A priority rule cannot cancel another priority rule) and the rules cannot be cancelled (If it's forbidden it stays forbidden).

People shoot the wall and it doesn't endanger the team (it's allowed) -> Team leader says not to shoot randomly you must stop as team leader order cancels the allowed rule.

High Priority Rules:
Rules that are noted in red are the highest rules and can cancel other rules (a high priority rule cannot cancel another high priority rule)

Swearing is allowed on server -> Admin says to stop swearing as admin is high priority it cancels the allowed swearing on server.

*Changes can apply without prior notice