|SOG| Tournament Spring/Summer 2018 Edition - Info

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|SOG| Tournament Spring/Summer 2018 Edition - Info

Post by KeeRIeS »



As SOG has been working pretty well nowadays, especially I have met many of you on our SOG servers almost every evening, there came an idea to my mind. I mean it has been coming to my mind for quite long time but now, as you're reading this short introduction to the main content of this post, the idea has grown up and now has even got its own moustache... So here I am at the end of this intro to present this idea, that will hopefully succeed being something great, something special and it will become high standard for next |SOG| tournaments in future. Argh, it was supposed to be a secret... So now I can say:



The tournament will be divided into 3 categories:
  • SOLO
  • Teams of 2 players (LL EQ only)
  • Teams of 3 players (Lethal EQ only)
Every player can be registered in every category, which means any of you has chance to become Master of the |SOG| Tournament Spring 2018 Edition by winning in all 3 categories.


a) SOLO category
In this category players can take whatever equipment they want.

b) Teams of 2 (max.) - Less Lethal
Every of the two players has to have only Less Lethal Primary and Secondary, which means pepperball or Less-lethal shotgun as primary weapon and taser as secondary weapon. The tactical EQ is up to the team's leader.

Only 1 player per a team is allowed to equip Optiwand.

c) Teams of 3 (max.) - Lethal
Disallowed EQ is: grenade launchers, pepperspray, Less-lethal shotgun, pepperball, taser, c2.
Players are allowed to take anything not mentioned as disallowed.
Only 1 player per a team is allowed to equip Optiwand.

Note: In every category the team can consist of maximum 1, 2 or 3 players but there is no minimum number of team members for any category, which means for example: you can register a team of 1 player in C category [Teams of 3 (max.)]


There will be 3 maps per a team played in every category (applies to SOLO category, too)

a) SOLO category
  • Map from |SOG| Custom Maps Pack - weight of 2,0 played on TSS
    MAP 1: Creepy Hotel

  • Map from SWAT4 TSS - weight of 1,75 played on TSS
    MAP 2: Sisters of Mercy Hostel

  • Map from SWAT4 Vanilla - weight of 1,5 played on Vanilla
    MAP 3: Old Granite Hotel

    Maximum score: 525

b) Teams of 2 (max.) - Less Lethal
  • Map from |SOG| Custom Maps Pack - weight of 2,0 played on TSS
    Map 1: Genovese&Feinbloom

  • Map from |SOG| Custom Maps Pack - weight of 2,0 played on TSS
    Map 2: Art Center 1.0

  • Map from SWAT4 Vanilla - weight of 1,25 played on Vanilla
    Map 3: St. Michael's Medical Center

    Maximum score: 525

c) Teams of 3 (max.) - Lethal
  • Map from |SOG| Custom Maps Pack - weight of 1,5 played on TSS
    Map 1: Carvale Community Hospital

  • Map from |SOG| Custom Maps Pack - weight of 2,0 played on TSS
    Map 2: New Library

  • Map from SWAT4 TSS - weight of 1,75 played on TSS
    Map 3: Stetchkov Warehouse

    Maximum score: 525


In every category the final score is the score gained on each of 3 played maps. In case there are more than one player/team with the same score, time needed to end a map decides which player/team wins.

NEW! Note: In case of civilians or suspects that are hardly complaining, melee attacks is allowed. This applies especially to the 'Teams of 3 (max.) - Lethal" category, as tasers and pepper sprays are disallowed. In case of civilian or suspect being hurt or (in an extreme situation) killed, the penalty points will not be included to the final result. The Leader and Referee should then pay even more attention to taking a correct screenshot of final result that will include proper note in chatlog explaining the penalty score.


The tournament is free from any fees,. It is played only just for fun, so there is no money/gift card prizes. However, to encourage you to take a part and to do your best, we offer you a special forum rank for the winners of every category. Moreover, in case a player wins every category of tournament they will have the rank of Master of |SOG|Tournament Spring 2018

How to sign up for the tournament?

To register your team, you simply have to post a comment to this thread using a template posted underneath. Adding a few teams you can simply place them in one comment adding a few lines break between each.

Code: Select all

[color=#ff0000][b]Name of the team:[/b][/color] NAME OF YOUR TEAM
[color=#ff0000][b]Category:[/b][/color] Choose category (A,B or C) in which you want to register your team (Note: you have to post a comment for every category separately)
[color=#ff0000][b]List of team members:[/b][/color] 
[*]Name 1 - LEADER
[*]Name 2 (optionally in B and C Category)
[*]Name 3 (optionally in C Category)
Last edited by KeeRIeS on Sun Jul 22, 2018 4:32 pm, edited 42 times in total.
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Post by KeeRIeS »


1. To make it fair for everyone the maps will be announced at forums before the tournament starts. The same maps will be chosen for every participant in a category.

2. Every team leader has to place a post in this thread, that will consist of filled in form available at the bottom of this post to sign a team up for the tournament.

3. Screenshots of every end score from every map will be taken by the Referee and proper Team Leader. It's Leaders' task to save the screenshot as a backup in case of any data loss on forums.

4. To sign up for tournament every team member has to be active |SOG| Forum Member. Active means the account has to be activated by email and the account has to have at least 1 post written.

5. Every game of tournament can be watched by any Forum Member. To spectate the game, a person has to report their willingness in thread informing about a date and time of a game they want to watch. Live-Streaming of the event has to be earlier reported to and agreed by referee.

6. Every game will be announced on forums at www.sog-team.co.uk . The thread will contain date, time, squad of the team, map name and referee. After the game, final score of the map will be posted by referee as a post in the thread.

7. |SOG| reserves the right to edit this rules and the post.

8. As this is the first tournament after a long break, every opinion on this rules is welcomed and the ideas of changes will be seriously considered. In case you want to give your feedback, feel free to send them via Discord or PM to |SOG|KeeRIeS

9. If two players want to play using the same IP address, they should report such case when signing up and on setting a date for their tournament games with a referee. The referee should verify (i.e. using a Discord server) those players' identity to prevent one player playing as two different players. This applies especially (but not only) the SOLO category. More info will be provided to players in moment of reporting such a willingness.

10. Usual server rules applies to the servers while the tournament game is being played. Especially no cheating (wallhack, radar, auto-aim or any other mods and applications affecting the working of the game), bug and glitches using (this includes for example: shooting randomly to get a suspect out of the room; using C2 trick through walls - when the point of C2 usage is the suspect(s) localized behind the wall; climbing railings, boxes, tables to avoid being seen by suspects in predictable locations). C2 trick (opening the door and then detonating) is allowed only in SOLO Category. Breaking of any of them might result in penalty points or even breaking the tournament game and the need of playing the game again or in extreme situation even being disqualified from the tournament.

11. The referee as well as registered spectators are not allowed to comment in chat any gameplay of the Team. Also, the participants should only communicate with each other, ignoring the presence of referee and spectators. Breaking this rule might result in removing the spectators out of the server, the need of replaying the tournament game or even being disqualified from the tournament.

NEW! 12. The last non-played map in every category by a team can be played only after the rest of teams have already played 2 out of 3 maps to be played. This is to have the last round deciding on the final ranking for the Tournament.

NEW! 13. Team Leaders for each category have to set a date for Tournament Games with the correct Referee for the map they want to play. Only one map can be played at one time by a team. Therefore, Team Leader has to check who is the team's Referee for the map (link) and after that, contact the Referee. The date has to be set AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE CHOSEN TIME.

NEW! 14. Deadline date for Games can be decided by Referees in any possible moment. Teams have to play at least chosen amoount of maps in a category untill the date.

15. In any case not mentioned above all the referees will make their common decision. In problematic cases both sides: the referees or the tournament participants can ask |SOG| Management for an opinion. Both the Referees and Management will explain every decision or opinion made by them, they will be fair for everyone and objective.

Results of Drawing of Referees for the tournament

Blue - Demonspeed
Green - KeeRIeS
Last edited by KeeRIeS on Thu Jun 21, 2018 11:20 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Post by KeeRIeS »

Sign-up process is now CLOSED

Congratulations to everyone who signed up and welcome to the |SOG|Tournament Spring/Summer 2018 Edition. I am happy to inform you that futher information will be announced very soon. Stay updated!

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Post by KeeRIeS »

Google Calendar called |SOG| Tournament Spring/Summer 2018 Edition (<-link) was created to make it easier for you to know all the dates and timetable of Tournament games. You can join the planned events typing your email address in the correct event in calendar.

Additionally, every Tournament Game will be dded to |SOG| Tournament Calendar and reminders will be visible on the Home Page.

List of maps and results of drawing will be announced tomorrow after the drawing is finished.

Remember you can join the drawing and know the results earlier before announcement joining us on Discord channel 'The Lobby'.
Last edited by KeeRIeS on Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Enrollment started

Post by KeeRIeS »

Dear Team Leaders!

I am glad to inform you that you can now enroll your teams for Tournament Games. To do so, please contact a Referee that is assigned to your Team for a chosen map you want to play. Remember: you can play 2 maps at once only in special cases when the Referee agrees (mostly only when it was difficult to set a date for a longer than usual time). This is to have the competition as long as possible and for you not to be tired on the second map.

Your Referees:

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List of teams

Post by KeeRIeS »

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Post by KeeRIeS »

Hello Dear Teams and Teams' Leaders!

Thanks to our |SOG|Management (special thanks to |SOG|Sander) we will have access to 2 passworded TSS and Vanilla servers for tournament's purposes. We decided the servers will be also free to use for training purposes as well as for tournament games itself.

Team Leaders will be given the password after prior making reservation (preferably via Discord PM). In case, there are 2 teams willing to do a training, the one that made reservation earlier has priority - please respect it in such situation.

You can make reservations from now on, keeping in mind the server will be up probably from today's afternoon (GMT).

Servers will work with Vanilla and TSS Maps listed in |SOG| Tournament Info Thread. For Custom Maps Training, use the Custom server. Tournament servers will be working w/o Jessica.

Cheers and good luck!
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What to do in case of a bugged gun

Post by KeeRIeS »

Explanation what we do in case of Gun Bug

In case, the mission in completed in the Tournament Game but there are still guns missing, the Referee notes the time when the last civ/sus was arrested (the info about completed mission appears) and all the TOCs are done. The Team keeps looking for the missing gun(s).

When the Team finds any gun, the Referee overwrites the noted time.

If the gun is still missing, the Referee end round manually and the last overwritten time is the result time.

Any visible and found gun has to be picked up by a Team Member.

Please also try to book the dates and time of the Tournament Games with advance with your Referee. Remember the Team that has set their date earlier will have priority and the availability of Referees and Servers are both limited.
Last edited by KeeRIeS on Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Demon speed
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Post by Demon speed »

Hello all
I encourage all players(solo category) and teams which feel ready for play tournement map to arrangement date and time with his/them referees.

To Players/Teams assigned to me. In order to arrangement date/time feel free send your suggest at pm on forum or discord, even if i'm offline.
Monday to Friday I prefer evening time. Saturday and Sunday most day, may be even evening or night. I've holidays from 1 july to 15 july, so gonna have all days free.

Note from KeeRIeS: Also remember about Google Calendar where I give info on when we're available.

https://calendar.google.com/calendar?ci ... Z2xlLmNvbQ
Last edited by KeeRIeS on Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KeeRIeS »

For clearance:

Tournament Game clock starts exactly when the mission starts. Referees are reconnecting to avoid being counted in to the final score (as spectator you are counted in as a dead officer).According to the methods of time measurement, please make sure all Team's Members REMOVED/RENAMED ScriptedVO for both Vanilla and TSS BEFORE JOINING THE TOURNAMENT GAME AND START PLAYING W/O WAITING FOR REFEREE TO RECONNECT
See how to do it! (link)
Last edited by KeeRIeS on Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.