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BETA: AdminBot COOP Points System

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 6:30 pm
by Matt
Hello everyone,

Following on from the new server statistics launch, please now be advised we are running a BETA AdminBot feature for CO-OP gameplay.

This feature is currently in testing, hence the BETA. Therefore we are keen to hear thoughts of the community so we can listen to your feedback for improvements.


This feature allows the AdminBot (|SOG|Jessica) to administrate gameplay on the CO-OP servers ONLY.

The tactic used is a simple points system for all players. The AdminBot monitors gameplay and checks for violations before warning players. If warnings are ignored, the AdminBot kicks players from the server.


Quite simply to improve gameplay in our servers. We are committed to providing the best CO-OP servers in SWAT 4. Our AdminBot ensures we operate a firm but fair admin policy consistently, with or without our members being present. Therefore to ensure our servers now include only tactically minded, team players, this improvement ensures compliance is met.

Ultimately, we ONLY wish to provide a server for players that respect ROE, respect other players, and wish to have fun in a manner that follows the game principles. If this is not you, we encourage you to join other servers.


All players start with 0 points everytime they join our CO-OP servers.

The Adminbot looks at key player gameplay choices as determined by the SWAT 4 game. These include the following;

- Unauthorised suspect kills as determined by the game (shooting against ROE)
- Killing civilians in any manner
- Team killing other coop players
- Suicides of any description

Four penalty points expire after every 20 minutes of gameplay


- Unauthorised suspect kills = 2 points each
- Killing a hostage = 4 points each
- Player Suicide = 3 points each
- Teamkilling = 5 points each occurrence

With the above logic in mind, the AdminBot will then;

4 points = 1st WARNING MADE

4 points = 1st WARNING MADE


The game does have some bugs in regards to unauthorised suspect kills. This no doubt will result in points being obtained unfairly. However these bugs are not as frequent as some players will suggest. Some players will use this for an excuse or their own personal justification for killing suspects without need. This ensures a fairer tolerance to players in these circumstances. However, whichever way this is looked at, the adminbot is only responding to the game mechanic. Points are only attributed to players whereby the end round scoring will be affected. Some players must remember that the majority of our players can play for hours in our servers without enough points to be kicked. In this case, we would respectfully ask players being kicked by the adminbot for unauthorised kills to look at their own gameplay and reflect. These players are generally speaking, not really adhering to the rules of engagement that police should in this game.


Yes it is. Your deaths in coop and penalty points reduce your score visible on the stats.


Yes, constructively please. We will not be removing this feature and only improving it. Therefore, please provide feedback that will help this get better opposed to state it's removal. Most will agree the reasons for this feature are to better enhance the coop experience for everyone.

We are keen to hear your thoughts.



Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:17 pm
by SAS_Random
212pm GMT I was kicked by Jessica after an unspecified rule violation. If there was a text warning, I did not see it. Columbo was in the server and so was Skully. The series of events, as I remember them was vault at DuPlessis diamond center. I was stacked right and flashing left. I followed my flash left and did not have a contact to 12 so i went hard left and had a suspect facing that I punched and strafed out of his line of fire. I issued compliance and punched again and he appeared to be giving up, so I equipped flex cuffs and was shot from behind and took damage. I turned around and saw no threat, so I continued to flex cuff when I saw Jessica state I would now be kicked. I immediately rejoined and asked wtf did Jessica say I did? Columbo said I did absolutely nothing and that I should post here so Jessica's BETA can be researched and fine tuned.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:36 pm
by Orion
Oh great! Players that take papper balls will be nightmare for those who take lethal. Altho I see some positives here as Jess will kick 'Rambos' and no need for admins around

And as I correctly understood its lasting a session as you play and then points restets to 0 til you play another session? But how does it effects our stats and what will it shows in it?

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:09 pm
by Ninwes
[quote=""SAS_Random""]212pm GMT I was kicked by Jessica after an unspecified rule violation. If there was a text warning, I did not see it. Columbo was in the server and so was Skully. The series of events, as I remember them was vault at DuPlessis diamond center. I was stacked right and flashing left. I followed my flash left and did not have a contact to 12 so i went hard left and had a suspect facing that I punched and strafed out of his line of fire. I issued compliance and punched again and he appeared to be giving up, so I equipped flex cuffs and was shot from behind and took damage. I turned around and saw no threat, so I continued to flex cuff when I saw Jessica state I would now be kicked. I immediately rejoined and asked wtf did Jessica say I did? Columbo said I did absolutely nothing and that I should post here so Jessica's BETA can be researched and fine tuned.[/quote]

Today you killed unauthorised atleast 5 times.

5 at 2 points each is 10

Meaning kick from server.

So jess did not bug but did what it was supposed to do at the time points do not reset per map change.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:38 pm
by Demon speed
If i good understood Matt, then it's should restart points after change map.. If not, then when restart?

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:56 pm
by Matt
[quote=""Demon speed""]If i good understood Matt, then it's should restart points after change map.. If not, then when restart?[/quote]No, points are valid for one server session. That means for each gaming session not just each map. As I said though caps do apply for civ and suspect kills each round
Basically as orion said

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 6:38 pm
by SAS_Random
So, essentially, garbage in equals garbage out. The game gets it wrong and Jess bases things on faulty data. It should reset every 30 minutes--in my less than humble opinion.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 7:31 pm
by Matt
[quote=""SAS_Random""]So, essentially, garbage in equals garbage out. The game gets it wrong and Jess bases things on faulty data. It should reset every 30 minutes--in my less than humble opinion.[/quote]I would read my post above. From my years of experience in swat 4, indeed the game does get it wrong or should we say leaving a debate... However this is few and far between. Furthermore the bot has an inbuilt tolerance cap.

The majority of players, (76% since we launched this beta) have not been allocated any points for unauthorised kills. Therefore I think this proves the theory.

I would suggest that those being kicked are a little too trigger happy.

For yourself though.... You've said yourself on these forums you play like the SAS and treat suspects differently to the game. E.g. Shooting runners. Therefore I believe this is why you are being kicked...

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:05 pm
by Columbo
Well, Random was suddenly kicked during a round where he did no unauthorized kills (or other penalties).
By the way, this happend 1h earlier at 1:12 PM (13:12) GMT on the SOG COOP server TSS (Swat4X) on DuPlessis.
I did not see any warnings before, as well. So this was a little weird.
Maybe there was a "little" lag between penalty and actions taken?

Generally i appreciate this system and the intention behind it.

Maybe you should make more transparent to players when they get points, and how many they already have. Maybe display the penalty points via server message or in the personal forum account for example, idk.

And could you explain the session system again? Im not sure i quite get it yet.
When does a "session" end? When the server is restarted, when the player leaves or after a certain time? :)


Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:25 pm
by Matt
[quote=""Columbo""]Well, Random was suddenly kicked during a round where he did no unauthorized kills (or other penalties).
By the way, this happend 1h earlier at 1:12 PM (13:12) GMT on the SOG COOP server TSS (Swat4X) on DuPlessis.
I did not see any warnings before, as well. So this was a little weird.
Maybe there was a "little" lag between penalty and actions taken?

Generally i appreciate this system and the intention behind it.

Maybe you should make more transparent to players when they get points, and how many they already have. Maybe display the penalty points via server message or in the personal forum account for example, idk.

And could you explain the session system again? Im not sure i quite get it yet.
When does a "session" end? When the server is restarted, when the player leaves or after a certain time? :)


There is indeed a lag between player points being awarded and action taken. This can be reduced but sadly increases server load. Please however be assured the fairness of the points allocated is reliable. The reason for the delay is an example like follows;

Player is already on 2 points, then kills two suspects unauthorised, then a third within quick succession. This results in the potential for another 4 points being allocated (as due to quick succession, bot allows tolerance of the two killed together). Immediately after, they kill a hostage. The player would normally be warned at 4 point interval, however due to the quick succession of 4 points plus 3 for hostage kill, the warning is skipped and the player is warned second time.

This can therefore happen and result in a player being kicked only after one warning due to the late delay.

In regards to the points allocation, everytime a player joins a server, the counter resets (providing it is not immediate). There is a expiring time before the counter is reset after the player leaves. Examples;

Player joins at 12.30PM... They leave at 3.30PM. Ten points tolerance applies for the whole of this time.

Player joins at 1PM. They get kicked at 2.10PM for 10 points. They immediately rejoin the server. The 10 points still apply until the player leaves again.