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HK_HunterKiller says hello

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 1:55 pm
by HK_HunterKiller
Hello Soggies!

First of all, I would like to congratulate you guys. When Demonspeed told me about your possible rebirth many months ago I admit I didn't believe him at first. But then you guys actually launched a website and had old members pouring back in, and now you have servers after so many years. I personally think you guys accomplished what I would've thought to be impossible for a clan and it only proves how strong of a community you built back in the day. So really, big congratulations to you from a long-time fan!

So, coming to the point, allow me to (re)introduce myself. I doubt most people will even vaguely remember my name, but I've known SOG since its first years of action. As a gamer more on the "younger side" back then, I'd be hopping through a lot of SWAT4 servers and occasionally join SOG servers. I got a lot closer though, as I got a bit older and started to really understand why SWAT4 is such a good game. Your Pro Lethal server became the only server I played on, and I was all-in with "keybinds" and everything at that point! Can't tell the number of times Demon and the other admins came to rescue me and a bunch of others from clueless rambos... :)

Anyway, please excuse the nostalgia. I'm just really happy to see you guys back, because for me there is no SWAT4 without SOG in the business! Members of other clans, excuse my boldness ;)

Just to briefly say what I'm up to these days, I'm a big fan of Arma and am a co-founder of Bad Company Gaming Community. It's fair to say it's through Demonspeed that I managed to maintain a connection to SOG after all this time, who's thankfully been a big uhh... "caretaker" of our Arma 2 server since its first day. Also, I'd rather mention one of our other co-founders, Kostas, used to be a big fan of SOG's Arma 2 server back in the day, and would probably recognise some names if any of the Arma guys are still around.

I spend a lot of time doing most of the mission and mod-making work for our milsim unit, and I'm also really busy in real life these days, so you probably won't see me around too often unfortunately. What I can say though is seeing your servers online now is strongly tickling that urge I've been having since a while to reinstall SWAT4. So I just might be around.

I really hope I didn't just write the longest intro post on the forums and hope to join you guys for a round or two in the near future. See you soon!

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 2:28 pm
by Ninwes
HK welcome back to the fold, it is good too see you again and really hope to see you around.

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 3:04 pm
by Matt
[quote=""HK_HunterKiller""]Hello Soggies!

First of all, I would like to congratulate you guys. When Demonspeed told me about your possible rebirth many months ago I admit I didn't believe him at first. But then you guys actually launched a website and had old members pouring back in, and now you have servers after so many years. I personally think you guys accomplished what I would've thought to be impossible for a clan and it only proves how strong of a community you built back in the day. So really, big congratulations to you from a long-time fan!

So, coming to the point, allow me to (re)introduce myself. I doubt most people will even vaguely remember my name, but I've known SOG since its first years of action. As a gamer more on the "younger side" back then, I'd be hopping through a lot of SWAT4 servers and occasionally join SOG servers. I got a lot closer though, as I got a bit older and started to really understand why SWAT4 is such a good game. Your Pro Lethal server became the only server I played on, and I was all-in with "keybinds" and everything at that point! Can't tell the number of times Demon and the other admins came to rescue me and a bunch of others from clueless rambos... :)

Anyway, please excuse the nostalgia. I'm just really happy to see you guys back, because for me there is no SWAT4 without SOG in the business! Members of other clans, excuse my boldness ;)

Just to briefly say what I'm up to these days, I'm a big fan of Arma and am a co-founder of Bad Company Gaming Community. It's fair to say it's through Demonspeed that I managed to maintain a connection to SOG after all this time, who's thankfully been a big uhh... "caretaker" of our Arma 2 server since its first day. Also, I'd rather mention one of our other co-founders, Kostas, used to be a big fan of SOG's Arma 2 server back in the day, and would probably recognise some names if any of the Arma guys are still around.

I spend a lot of time doing most of the mission and mod-making work for our milsim unit, and I'm also really busy in real life these days, so you probably won't see me around too often unfortunately. What I can say though is seeing your servers online now is strongly tickling that urge I've been having since a while to reinstall SWAT4. So I just might be around.

I really hope I didn't just write the longest intro post on the forums and hope to join you guys for a round or two in the near future. See you soon![/quote]Great introduction, welcome back here. It's a pleasure to have you here at the website yet again.

I really hope you can stick around and possibly see you in the servers, however like most of us we are all much older and have busier lives than we used to.... I was about 16-18yrs old when I started SOG.... Things change but it sure is great our long time friend's have returned.

I wish you all the best and thanks for the great introduction and compliments.


Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:26 pm
by Orion
Ah nice to see some old folks passing by!!!

Played a lot with Kostas at arma 2 battlegrounds ))

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:00 pm
by Black
Welcome back m8! Hope we'll get the chance to play a few rounds soon. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:52 pm
by KeeRIeS
Hello and welcome to the forums! :)

I might remember your nickname more or less but anyway it's happy to see you happy about SOG's rebirth :)

I hope to meet you on the servers and I wish you none rambos there :) If there are any, I'll be happy to help you by 'rescuing you and a bunch of others from clueless rambos...' :P just let me know via Discord :D

Cya on servers!