Project: Snapchat

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Would YOU take a part in the Project: Snapchat

Poll ended at Mon Aug 20, 2018 4:52 pm

Yes, I would take active part of the project and I'd like to post some stories from time to time
No votes
Yes, I would take active part of the project and I'd maybe add something but not very often
No votes
Yes, I would take a part of the project by watching what others add
No, I don't have Snapchat and/or I wouldn't be interested even in watching other Members' videos
Total votes: 7
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Project: Snapchat

Post by KeeRIeS »

Hello Dear |SOG| Members and Friends.

I'm here to share a word about a new idea that came to my mind when I was talking to Matt some time ago. The idea is a little bit crazy and might look strange to you but Matt kinda liked it, so I decided now to explain to you what this idea is all about and I hope to get a feedback from you...

Some of you might already know idea of application called Snapchat. It is mainly about recording videos and taking photos that are available for your followers for 24 hours (or if sent as a message to another user they are available only for single-view). (For more info what Snapchat is visit: )

Now let's focus on the idea itself... I'd like to create Snapchat account for our community. This would be an official account for SOG, with restricted rules for following this account - we would only accept friend requests from SOG Members and Friends - all would be verified by SOG Forums and/or Discord. Fom time to time the password to the account would be shared with a member/friend so they can upload their own pictures/videos so everyone can show the others their day from their life - your neighbourhood, landscape from your bicycle trip, your place of work or your favourite mug - whatever you want to tell about your real life - you can even just record a movie about a ladybug that flies in your room or sits on your window. The video would be available for other SOG members and friends following the Snapchat account with their own Snapchat accounts.

We're all humans, sometimes we know each other more or less. We live in different countries and making any meeting would be hard and even if we succeeded not everyone would be able to attend the meeting, also the meeting would be once per year or even less often. The action would help us to know more about each other and see how we all live, how we spend time or what the weather all over the world is on that day.

Please, tell me your feedback, let me know if you would take active part of it (if you would like to take over the Snapchat account for some time to share your video) OR if you'd rather stay an observer to just watch anothers' videos. We could start this action very soon, just when the SOG Social Media e-mail account is working again, so if you feel interested in such thing, please let me know your Snapchat nicknames here or in PM so I can add you to contacts when we open an account for SOG.

Due to lack of comments, I add a poll. Please vote and let us know if you'd take active part in such a project.
