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SWAT 4 Server Discord Integration

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 6:29 pm
by Matt
Hi all

SWAT 4 is indeed a dated game, but still enjoyed by many of us. We have not been updating the Adminbot or report database as late, however a new feature has now been added as above.

Jessica, our Adminbot from the SWAT 4 servers can now broadcast to our discord server.

To start with, the first feature is one to encourage our community to meet up and play when other friends are online. Even if for a quick few rounds.

As we all live in different parts of the world, Jessica will now make it easier for us to be aware when other members are playing SWAT 4. A broadcast to @everyone will now be made in our #gamedates channel.

This broadcast will only happen when a site registered community member joins one of our servers.

The message that will appear in Discord is as below:


Please Note: this broadcast will only be made ONCE per gaming session. For example, should you randomly be disconnected from the server but rejoin, no broadcast will be made. This is in the interests of reducing spam messages in our discord server.

Hope this helps, any feedback let us know.


Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 6:38 am
by Nicoleise
Nice idea, Matt. :)

I wouldn't @mention the user themselves though - they already know that they joined a server, so they just get an irrelevant notification to clear up after playing. :) But a handy feature for knowing when there's that chance for a spontanious game with friends.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 8:40 am
by Matt
Good suggestion. Now implemented