000 - ID197

Sog-team Community Player Database v3.0

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Entry Viewer - ID 197

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Name: 000
Last Seen: 03-03-2024 12:56
IP Address:
IP Type: Dynamic
No Tolerance
Appeal Information:
- No Appeal Filed
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Violations: Voting Mis-use, Misbehaviour
Servers: Sog-team COOP
Witnesses: Unknown
Duty Admins:
Actions Taken: N/A

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Added by: SAS_Random
Entry Date: 2024-03-03
Change Log: Inserted: 2024-03-03 13:04:46 : SAS_Random
Entry Approval & Update: (Status, Pro Status) 2024-03-18 01:23:01 : Wes
          Update Reason: KOS
Automated Update: (Status Downgrade) 2024-03-18 01:23:01 : Jessica
          Update Reason: No evidence