Report DB v3 - Stats Launch

Information, news, feedback and updates in regards to the AdminBot (Jessica)
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Report DB v3 - Stats Launch

Post by Matt »

Hi all

Just a quick one to let you know there has been a database upgrade resulting in the following:

Player rank parameters such as DCOP etc are now awarded based on player score opposed to just time spent in the servers. This is to ensure constant challenge in getting a better rank, opposed to just playing for more time.

Please note that the player score is made up of gaming time, penalties & deaths.

There is now a new leaderboard to track player performance. You have to be registered at the website for this to work however. The top 5 from this leaderboard also display in our servers.

Link changes now displayed on the database homepage

Please let us know if you have any further questions,

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Post by KeeRIeS »

[quote=""Matt""]Please note that the player score is made up of gaming time, penalties & deaths.[/quote]

Hey! May I ask for more info on that? How are the ranks awarded? What's the exact equation for the score to be calculated?
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Post by Matt »

[quote=""KeeRIeS""]Hey! May I ask for more info on that? How are the ranks awarded? What's the exact equation for the score to be calculated?[/quote]In a nutshell,

Score = (deaths+points) / gaming time


This new formula results in a fairer process.

- The more time spent in servers gives you a better chance of pushing your score up
- The more points gained reduces your scoring
- The more you "die" in servers, this also reduces your scoring
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Post by KeeRIeS »

[quote=""Matt""]In a nutshell,

Score = (deaths+points) / gaming time


This new formula results in a fairer process.

- The more time spent in servers gives you a better chance of pushing your score up
- The more points gained reduces your scoring
- The more you "die" in servers, this also reduces your scoring[/quote]

Where does it then come from that I have 15 penalties, 15 deaths and 186 hours and it gives 84% in total oO

Also, to the penalties you only count the penalties that left on your account when you leave the server, what about the penalties gained before the rule of -4 penalties per 20 minutes...? These should be resetted as before they were all counted in...
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Post by Matt »

Ok this might help explain better....

The actual calculation is this to get the percentage:


So in your case:

100%-((15+ 15) / (186hrs)*100

30 / 186hrs = 0.16

0.16 * 100 (to get percentage deduction) = 16.12%

100% - 16.12% = 83.88% rounded to 84%

Second question....

The penalty points are only those left on your account when you leave the server. Anything the adminbot takes from you in the server is NEVER included in the total count.

Also remember the adminbot will never deduct points in two occasions;

1. If you have less than 4 points. E.g you have 2 points. They will never expire.

2. If you have over 10 points. They will never expire
Last edited by Matt on Sun Jun 17, 2018 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Orion »


Also remember the adminbot will never deduct points in two occasions;

1. If you have less than 4 points. E.g you have 2 points. They will never expire.

2. If you have over 10 points. They will never expire[/quote]

Oh damn it! So after I had 14 points I wasted 2 hours for nothing? Hoping it will burn out ))) Thats something new actually that none mentioned before
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Post by Orion »

[quote=""Matt""]Hi all

Player rank parameters such as DCOP etc are now awarded based on player score opposed to just time spent in the servers. This is to ensure constant challenge in getting a better rank, opposed to just playing for more time.

Please note that the player score is made up of gaming time, penalties & deaths.


How often does this list updates?

Problem- I already wrote about it. That it represents wrong score as penalties been implemented after hours been played by players. Those who grind hours before have advantage now )))
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Post by Ninwes »

[quote=""Orion""]How often does this list updates?

Problem- I already wrote about it. That it represents wrong score as penalties been implemented after hours been played by players. Those who grind hours before have advantage now )))[/quote]

There are still some other test going on as this is still beta, matt will follow up :)
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Post by KeeRIeS »

The penalties scored after Jessica started giving them and before Jessica started deducting 4 penalties per 20 minutes are quite unfair now. We can clearly see people with 0 penalties just because they weren't playing in the short period of time when Jessica was only adding penalties. Now it only gives those not erased when you leave the server.

Orion's opinion is right on that time spent on servers - however the ime should be somehow included into ranks, as it's important how much time you've already spent on the servers anyways. Nevertheless all games played in the era of only increasing penalties are quite hurting for people who were active on the servers there and this matters much more than the time, as for every 100 hours you can get 1 penalty or death to still have 99%. To compare: Jessica uses to erase 4 penalties per 20 minutes, so per one hour you can get 12 penalties and they will be deducted so you leave the server with 0 penalties to be counted in the rank. 12 penalties per 1 hour = 1200 per 100 hours, so Jessica is deducting much more now than the hours from all the time let you have on your account - not lowering your rank.
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Post by Matt »

OK so a few tweaks made... we shall see how it goes.

1) All stats have been reset for ALL players. You will now see this reflective on the stats page:

Please note, your gaming times have NOT be lost and are still stored. I am working on getting these displayed again shortly. Do not worry.

The scoring calculation has been tweaked to make it easier to get up the ladder. Basically the same calculation exists, except your gaming time is multiplied by 5 to make it more realistic.

Jessica now deducts 1 penalty point from you in the server every 5 minutes. This effectively is the same calculation as before, except can now mean players can leave the server with 0 points if they continue gaming. This is because as soon as you get any penalty points, Jess will deduct by one every 5 minutes meaning you can play for a few rounds without penalties and still leave the server with none.

The only exception to this is when you are kicked at 10 points. If you rejoin, no deductions are made by Jess after this point. If you then get 15 points, you are temp banned.

So to clarify, if you get over 10 points, Jessica no longer deducts points. You will leave the server on those points.
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